1.1 Compare sources of information on professional

1.1 Compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity

The primary theme of the paper is 1.1 Compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $25 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
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Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria Guidelines and range

The candidate provides evidence that they understand:

1.Be able to identify personal and professional development requirements
1.1 Compare sources of information on professional development trends and their validity

Sources of information on professional development trends in their own profession/industry
Such sources could include publications and other information from:
 Professional bodies
 Professional networks
 Trade associations
 Organisation`s employee development department
 Training organisations
 Internet
Any comparison would look at strengths/ weaknesses, advantages/disadvantages of each source.

In this criterion the learner is required to compare sources of information on professional
development trends, and their validity, using at least two sources of information.

1.2 Identify trends and developments that influence the need for professional development

Information on trends and developments in their own profession, industry or organisation that
could influence the need for professional development. These could include changes in :
 Systems or technology
 Market changes
 Competition
 Legislation

In this criterion the learner is required to identify at least two trends and/or developments that
could influence the need for professional development. These should be described.

1.3 Evaluate their own current and future personal and professional development needs relating to the role , the team and the

Information gathered in ACs 1.1. and 1.2 can be used to identify current and future knowledge,
skills and experience needs relating to their role, team and organisation. Information sources on
current and future needs could also include performance appraisals, job description, business
plans, and team objectives.

An evaluation would look at current knowledge, skills and experience levels and the extent to
which they satisfy current and potential future needs. This will form the basis for the skills gap
analysis in AC2.3
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