Mastery of the literature is essential in research, and examiners devote considerable time and attention to the reading the Literature Review section. In their investigation on doctoral examination reports, Bourke et al. (cited in Denholm & Evans, 2007) found that 89% of examiner comments are devoted to the Literature Review.
You will examine the literature on your theoretical framework, with a focus on how it has been applied in your context (school, workplace, community or training organisation). You may ask yourself: How has it been used? What are its advantages? What are its advantages? How useful/effective is it?
Your literature review should include:
•a number of research articles relevant to your investigation and/or argument
•an evaluation or analysis of how each of the selected articles reflect the major debates or ideas about your theoretical framework
•??a clear explanation of the way/s in which your work relates to the studies of others – identify the gap – your contribution to knowledge and research
•analyse how the theoretical framework you have selected has been applied in the research literature i.e. evidence of theory into practice.
•appropriate use of language to construct an argument, express position or perspective, analyse gaps, strengths and weaknesses, and an assessment of the quality of evidence to support claims
•a referencing style appropriate for your discipline when you reference and cite sources. Please specify the referencing style used i.e. Harvard or APA
(equivalent to 2000 words and word count should be provided at the end)
Please submit an electronic copy through the assignment Dropbox on VU Collaborate
5 marks
Due: 9/5
I min presentation to class
Unit Lecturer/Student Self-Assessment
Literature Review
20 marks
Due: 23/5
Assessed by the unit lecturer
Assessment Task 3: Literature Review Criteria
Identification of main
themes/debates/viewpoints about your
theoretical framework – theory and practice. (4)
A critique/explanation of the major debates in
the literature. (4)
Demonstrate an ability to cite the ideas of
different authors relevant to your research, and
use the referencing style correctly. (4)
Ideas and information are presented clearly and
the writing flows well i.e. sentence construction,
paragraphs, accurate grammar, correct spelling
and punctuation (4)
Demonstrate an ability to employ language
elements appropriate for a Literature Review. (4)
??A clear indication of where your research is
located within the field of knowledge i.e.
limitations or gaps in the literature.
(Optional extra: For those undertaking minor