PROJECT MANAGEMENT TRENDS Name: Institution Affiliation: Project Management Trends Annotated Bibliography The management of projects within complex environments requires the inclusion of approaches aimed at restructuring organizations in order to meet the changes that are bound to occur. Project and portfolio leadership approaches therefore play a significant element in instances where organizations struggle in the implementation of complex projects, agile methods and in managing vendors, an aspect that depicts the need to incorporate project management approaches in the process. In this case, it is essential to establish that leadership is one of the primary themes that resonate around the project management trends over the past three years. This paper seeks to evaluate some of the project trends that have been in existence over the last three years that include; Emergency Risk Management, project leadership, agile project management approaches, organizational culture and processes and stakeholder theory. Kapsali, M. (2013). Equifinality in Project Management Exploring Causal Complexity in Projects. Systems Research & Behavioral Science, 30(1), 2-14. doi:10.1002/sres.2128 In support of the views of Teller, this author gives a suggestion of the inclusion of an enterprise risk management approach in allowing an organization to identify and address some of the risks ...