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To introduce the report and to provide a very brief and concise review of the case study described in your assessment 1 submission with particular attention to the objectives which a parenting programme could meet.
The primary theme of the paper is To introduce the report and to provide a very brief and concise review of the case study described in your assessment 1 submission with particular attention to the objectives which a parenting programme could meet. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Compare and contrast two parenting programmes, identifying one as most useful to support a particular parenting population.
Promoting and Enhancing Parenting
Assessment 2: Guidelines for 2,500 word Report.
This assessment will take the form of a report. The report will compare and contrast two parenting programmes, identifying one as most useful to support a particular parenting population.
This report will be composed of the following key sections
To introduce the report and to provide a very brief and concise review of the case study described in your assessment 1 submission with particular attention to the objectives which a parenting programme could meet.
To show an understanding of the values and aims of the current Scottish Government’s Parenting Strategy in light of recent significant legislation/publications.
Compare and contrast two parenting programmes in terms of their capacity to meet the objectives set out in section one. This section should further explore the emotional and social issues that influence these particular parenting programmes. It should outline its delivery style, its target group and other features of the programme and investigate how well these match the needs of the parenting group.
You must be able to critically analyse each programme in relation to its ability to meet the needs/objectives of the parenting population. Continually refer back to the original objectives and the values and aims teased from the current Government agenda in order to justify the decisions you are making.
This section should end with a conclusion identifying the selected programme and the reasons why your particular choice of programme is optimal for your family. This should also include a brief analysis of the proposal for how the application and effectiveness of the programme will be evaluated.
Remember to provide an overall conclusion for your report.
As ever your work must be appropriately referenced.
Promoting and Enhancing Parenting: Assessment 2
Report and Evaluation
Student I.D. Number:
Personal Academic Tutor:
Section One of Parenting Report –
Introduction covers:
• Objectives
• Brief review of profile
• Intent
Programme Analysis:
Two programmes explained in terms of
• Psychological foundation
• Other features such as Target population (i.e. age)
Programmes contrasted and compared:
• Drawing on strengths/weaknesses of programmes
• Reference made to research
Programmes matched to population on the basis of:
• Objectives
• Optimum delivery style
• Psychological foundation
Evaluations of Programme:
• Evaluation model is appropriate and justified
• The evaluation proposal is set explained
• Potential limitations and strengths of evaluation model have been discussed
• Structure of report is clear and well presented
• Wide use of references and appropriate referencing style
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