THE EARLY DARK AGES COMPARED TO THE MODERN TIMES Name: Professor Name: Course Title: Date: Introduction Early dark ages are also referred to early middle ages. Specifically early ages refer to the period between 476 – 1000AD. It is estimated that during that period the man was still evolving and little at that time can be compared to the modern man. There are many aspects about the early ages that totally differ from what exists presently. Man, during the early ages, has been known to survive and exist along primitive conditions of living characterized by poor methods of carrying out daily activities. It can be generalized as cultural deterioration of the dark ages. In this context, daily activities refer to the social, economical and political climate existing during the early ages.[When Were the Dark Ages? History Network. http// (Accessed on 10th June, 2013)] The political organization of early ages was very much poor (poor administration) and restricted to prominent, powerful and strong members of the society. Socially, early man, in this case the man, who lived between 476 and 1000AD, led a primordial social life, with less of religious organizations such as churches1. His social life cannot be compared to the contemporary social life. Another aspect of great interest and speculation of the early man is the economy at that time. Economically, there was less of trade and industry. The existing ones were restrictive and limited to locality and domestic economics. At this moment in time, pone can easily notice that this is the main reason why the period is referred to as dark early ages. The word ‘dark` has been used to refer to how primitive the way of life of man was at that time.[Swan, Richard. The Dark Ages Were A Lot Lighter Than We Give Credit To Them. October, 2012.