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Selects and synthesises relevant ideas and themes from a range of literature, demonstrating breadth and depth of reading and indicating a developing awareness of how some of these ideas can be applied to teaching and learning in your subject.
The primary theme of the paper is Selects and synthesises relevant ideas and themes from a range of literature, demonstrating breadth and depth of reading and indicating a developing awareness of how some of these ideas can be applied to teaching and learning in your subject. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
In this assignment you will critically reflect on the factors that contribute to effective lessons in your subject. This should include reference to relevant literature concerning subject pedagogy and general theories of teaching and learning.
You will analyse a sequence of lessons that you have planned and delivered, focussing in on one lesson in particular to illuminate your understanding of effective learning in your subject. You will then go on to discuss the ways in which critical reflection has developed and improved your practice.
Word limit: 4500 words
This guidance is intended to help you to think about how you might plan and structure your work. It is not a writing framework and should be seen as supportive not constraining. The word numbers for each section are indicative only. Please make sure that you read the assignment brief in the module handbook and pay close attention to the full set of learning outcomes and assessment criteria that you will find there.
1. Introduction (250-500 words)
Your introduction should:
present your initial thinking concerning what makes it an effective lesson in your subject specialism
establish the lines of thinking that you intend to pursue in your review of literature
offer a reflection on the influences on your professional voice.
2. Literature review (1000- 1500 words)
Pass criteria (Level 7)
Selects and synthesises relevant ideas and themes from a range of literature, demonstrating breadth and depth of reading and indicating a developing awareness of how some of these ideas can be applied to teaching and learning in your subject.
In your literature review you will be developing and evidencing your lines of thinking (2- 4) by drawing on evidence from the different genres of literature. You are likely to include aspects of:
the philosophy of your subject and the way in which it contributes to wider knowledge and learning and how students might understand its relevance to their lives and wider application,
the pedagogy of your subject - how learning is thought about and approached through teaching and assessment and the impact this might have on different groups of students
the practicalities of teaching your subject.
You may be drawing on subject specific literature, or applying a more generic literature to particular features of your subject.
You will find it helpful to plan each line of thinking before you start to undertake your writing. Make sure that you have a logical sequence of points that you wish to make and that you have gathered the evidence to support your argument around each point.
Helpful questions to ask:
What is already known about this aspect of practice?
What is the quality (carefully researched or argued and peer reviewed- an individual’s opinion) and source (policy, journal, practice, newspaper article) of that knowledge ?
Are there areas of disagreement or uncertainty ?
How does this relate to my experience or understanding?
3. Drawing conclusions from your review of literature (500-750 words approx)
Pass criteria (Level 7)
Uses the literature to critically evaluate the key features of an effective lesson in specialist subject
This is where you bring together your findings from each line of thinking to create a framework which you can use to help you to plan and analyse your own lessons.
Helpful questions to ask:
Which factors are important to an effective lesson in my subject from each line of thinking?
What are the features of these that I need to be paying attention to in my planning and practice ?
How might I identify these factors in action in a lesson?
4. Your lesson analysis (1000- 1250 words)
Pass criteria (Level 7)
Critically analyses the selected sequence of lessons with reference to the underpinning research and scholarship. Demonstrates the ability to reflect on and critically evaluate strengths and improvement targets to develop effectiveness of classroom practice in relation to pupil progress.
It is important that you do not identify at any point in your assignment, the school, school trust/alliance/local authority or any staff or pupils by name. This protects you, because it enables you to comment freely on your practice and any issues arising professionally without risk of repercussions. It keeps you within the law regarding data protection by preserving the anonymity of others.
The suggestion for this section is that you analyse a series of lessons with a particular focus on one lesson from the series. The important sources of information are your lesson reviews and any observations from your host teacher or mentor.
The danger in this section is that you write a description rather than analysing your practice so:
make use of reflective writing here - nb Jenny Moon’s () examples, reflective questions ( Angelides 2001) or models such as single and double loop learning (Argyris and Schön 1978)
place the extracts from reflective writing/ observations of your practice that you wish to comment on in a text box to indicate that this is some data.
then go on to draw upon the findings from your literature review (your framework) to analyse your practice in more depth.
5. Implications for your professional learning (500-750 words)
Pass criteria (Level 7)
Well-chosen evidence drawn from personal and critical reflection on pupil learning, progress and attainment is synthesised to provide a sound rational for development in relation to professional practice.
This section is your opportunity to demonstrate your professional learning and your developing understanding of effective classroom practice. In this section you can discuss:
the analysis of sequence of lessons relating this back to your initial thinking regarding an effective lesson to demonstrate what you have learnt.
how ideas from the literature translate into practice, and the extent to which issues raised regarding learning and teaching in your subject were reflected in your own experiences
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