Q1. Based on your own experiences, how much do you agree with Moon’s discussion paper about the role reflection plays in learning?
The primary theme of the paper is Q1. Based on your own experiences, how much do you agree with Moon’s discussion paper about the role reflection plays in learning? in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $35 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
1. Literacy task (Jenny Moon)
3. Interview Questions to prepared for:
1. Literacy Task
Before the interview read and reflect on the arguments presented in the following publication by Jenny Moon of the University of Exeter:
Moon J., (2001) PDP Working Paper 4: Reflection in Higher Education Learning. York: The Higher Education Academy
The publication will be emailed separately with this task sheet.
You are required to write 550 words, literacy task to write a response to the following question:
Q1. Based on your own experiences, how much do you agree with Moon’s discussion paper about the role reflection plays in learning?
Tutors involved in selection will be looking for evidence of your ability to do the following:
- Understand the arguments put forward in the reading
- Express your own view of education, relating it to the ideas in the reading
- Express your ideas clearly with appropriate grammar, spelling and punctuation
You will be expected to refer to the reading in your answer. The purpose of the piece is to enable you to demonstrate the requirements for prospective teachers which include your ability to read with understanding and to demonstrate the quality of your communication in written English. We also use this task to assess your writing and to identify if there is the need for further literacy support.
When we assess your writing, we will be looking for:
- A critically evaluative approach more than a descriptive approach
- Evidence of having reflected on your understanding of the role of reflective learning in Higher Education
- Reference to the text within your writing
- Clear, coherent academic writing style with no or only minor errors (if you have learning needs please declare them to Education Admissions prior to the interview day. They will provide a laptop and you will be entitled to an additional 10 minutes writing time)
5 Using appropriate references for the reading for example: ‘My understanding of reflective learning differs from Moon’s (2001) because...’ you will be expected to apply this approach to referencing in your writing. We are not looking for lengthy quotes from the reading, but we will be interested to see how your reading has informed your reflections.
3. Interview Questions to prepared for:
- How would you differentiate for more able or less able learners?
- How would you assess the learning in this lesson?
- How might you make use of any learning support in this lesson?
- What opportunities are there for ICT to support this lesson?
- What would you teach for the next lesson? Links?
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