President John Tyler

President John Tyler

The primary theme of the paper is President John Tyler in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $99 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

President John Tyler

This is a AMERICAN GOVERNMENT class. //////////////////// I need the paper to focuse on his Presidentel and the Political Issue while he was President/////////////////////////// The topic should deal with some individual and/or institution central to our study of American government; so please don`t spend much of your paper on the personal lives of individuals selected./////// Focus on person`s administration, not his/her life before or after national service in the capacity you have selected. No more than one full page of your paper should deal with personal and/or peripheral issues – stay focused! //////////////// Please note below, this is notes from the teacher on how the paper should be writen.////////////////////////////// NOTES FROM THE TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Title: Research Paper Instructions for Research Paper General Guidelines 1. Research papers are to be typed (usually on a typewriter, word processor, and/or computer). Use a standard font (e.g., Ariel, Times New Roman, Courier, Garamond, etc.). Font size in the body of the paper should be no smaller than 10 and no larger than 12. Except for lengthy quotations (see No. 5 below), the body of the paper is to be double-spaced. Traditional margins (1.5 in. on left side, 1.0 in. otherwise) should be used throughout. INCORRECT FONT SIZE – 10 POINTS (i.e., larger than 12 or smaller than 10) SPACING OTHER THAN DOUBLE-SPACED – 10 POINTS 2. The length of the paper is to be four to five pages of text; if you are outside these parameters, it would be better if you exceeded five pages. This does not include the title page, your bibliography/references cited page, any illustrations you may wish to add (e.g., maps, graphs, etc.), and/or any blank pages you may insert for whatever reason. A Table of Contents is not necessary. LENGTH OF PAPER (BODY ONLY) – 15 POINTS FOR EACH PAGE LESS THAN 4 3. The title page of your research paper should indicate the title of your paper, followed by your name, the name of the course for which it is submitted, the instructor`s name, and the date of submission. MISSING TITLE PG ENTIRELY-10 PTS; INCORRECTLY DONE (Including listing in body of paper)-1-9 PTS 4. Historical footnotes or endnotes (but not both) are to be used. These correspond to the works cited on your bibliography page. For most common usages, see the Historical Notation and Models section following. For more complex notations, refer to Turabian`s A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, & Dissertations. Failure to cite according to historical notation will reduce the paper`s final grade one letter (e.g., from an A to a B). NON-EXISTENT IN SUBMITTED PAPER – 20 POINTS FEWER THAT 4 TOTAL – 3 POINTS EACH 5. Quotations running over four typed lines must be indented and single-spaced. While your paper may allude to many sources, as a general rule you should not have more than a few direct quotes in a paper of this length. FAILURE TO SINGLE-SPACE EXTENDED QUOTES – 2 POINTS EACH TIME (UP TO TEN POINTS) 6. In your citations in which you quote and/or allude to material, demonstrate a mix of primary and secondary sources. You ought to have as many sources as there are pages in the body of your paper. Cite at least two non-internet sources. FEWER THAN 4 SOURCES CITED-5 PT EACH/FEWER THAN 2 NON-INTERNET SOURCES-5 PT EACH 7. The topic of your paper should deal with some individual and/or institution central to our study of American government; this is not American History, so please don`t spend much of your paper on the personal lives of individuals selected. As a rule of thumb, if you select an individual (e.g., a U.S. president), focus on that person`s administration, not his/her life before or after national service in the capacity you have selected. No more than one full page of your paper should deal with personal and/or peripheral issues – stay focused! FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THIS GUIDELINE – 10 POINTS EACH PAGE (OR FRACTION THEREOF) 8. Material taken from the Internet must be printed out and submitted with the paper if it is to be accepted. Provide the Internet address of any materials used as part of the note citation (e.g., John Marshall, quoted in [the internet address], along with the date the materials was secured). Use Internet materials very sparingly (as above). FAILURE TO PROVIDE INTERNET MATERIALS CITED – 10 POINTS EACH 9. Each paper should not have more than three technical errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics (capitalization, indentation, punctuation, etc.). It is recommended that you have at least one other person to read the final draft of your paper before turning it in; do not rely on “spell-check” to catch all your mistakes. More than five technical errors may subject your paper to a grade reduction. NO PENALTY FOR 1st 5 TECHNICAL ERRORS; AFTERWARD, 1 PT FOR EA ERROR (UP TO 10 PTS) 10. A good research paper asks a question and then sets out to answer that question. It is recommended that you write on a topic that interests you. See me if you are having difficulty selecting your topic. Remember that – in the end – several topics exist as excellent choices for your American Government paper, provided they fall within the parameters described above. Historical Notation and Models FOOTNOTES OR ENDNOTES 1. Do not use parentheses in the body of your paper as a substitute of notes. This means DO NOT USE (Stephenson, 2009) or any variation of this. EACH TIME PARENTHESES ARE SO USED – ONE POINT 2. Use superscript numbers (starting with “1” in the body of your paper) when you wish to provide a note. Any modern word processing program should have a footnote (and usually an endnote) command to insert these automatically for you; if you change your mind, the computer will automatically renumber them for you. 3. Decide whether you want footnotes (these appear at the bottom of the page where the cited material ends) or endnotes (these run consecutively, all at the end of your paper). Then so direct your computer, and it will be done automatically for you. (Most instructors – including me – prefer footnotes to endnotes.) 4. For Internet citations, give the entire Internet address; for example, John Adams, quoted at Give the entire address when you provide this information. Make sure I can discern the date you view such material. FAILURE TO DO SO CORRECTLY – ONE POINT EACH 5. For a book with one author, use this format: Samuel Morrison, Admiral of the Ocean Sea (New York: Viking Press, 1998), 92. [Note that this provides the author`s first and last names, followed by a comma, followed by the book`s title (title of book is either underlined or italicized),followed by parenthetic material. This material gives the city (and state if not New York), the publisher`s name, and the year of publication. After the parenthetic material, another comma follows, then is given the number of the page in the book used, and finally a period.] The second time (any every subsequent time) you cite a source, you may use the following short form: Morrison, 93. [Last name, page number(s), period] 6. For a book with two or more authors, follow this guideline: Two authors José Ortega y Gasset and Julián Marias, Modern Philosophy (New York: Norton, 1952), 87. The short form of the above would be Ortega and Marias, 88. Three (or more) authors Jim Muppim, John Huppim, and Bill Ard, Israel (New York: Time, 2004), 3. The short form of the above would be Muppim, Huppim, and Ard, 56. 7. For an article in a journal, use this format: Hershel Shanks, “Dead Sea Scrolls”, Biblical Archaeology Review 96 (Fall 2003), 21.[Note that the article name is put in quotation marks; the number after the journal name is the volume number.] In subsequent citations, follow the example above (e.g., Shanks, 22.) 8. For an article from a popular magazine utilize this guideline: C.S. Lewis, “The Four Loves”, Look, August 7, 1949, pp 32-33. [If no author is given, start with the title of the article.] The short form of the above would be Lewis, 34. 9. For an article from a newspaper, use this format: Ron Meyer, “Saline County Boys”, Benton [Ark] Courier 27 February 2005, p. 3, col. 3-4. {Note: col. indicates the columns taken up by the article on that page} [If no author is given, start with the title of the article.] The short form of the above would be Meyer, 3. BIBLIOGRAPHY (also called WORKS CITED) NON-EXISTENT IN SUBMITTED PAPER – 25 POINTS 1. The Bibliography at the end of your paper lists all the sources you cited in your footnotes/endnotes along with anything else you utilized in the preparation of your paper (including allusions). SOURCES LISTED BUT NOT USED – 5 PTS EA; SOURCES USED BUT NOT LISTED – 5 PTS EA. 2. Materials listed in the bibliography are to be arranged in alphabetical order by last name of authors. Where no authors are given, go by the names of articles used and/or alluded to. Do not number these as you list them here. SOURCES NOT ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY – ONE POINT (Each out of order) 3. Center the word “Bibliography” or the words “Works Cited” at the top of this page. FAILURE TO DO SO – 3 POINTS 4. In the bibliography, a different format is used to list your materials. The materials used for examples above would be listed in your bibliography as follows: a. For a book with one author: Morrison, Samuel. Admiral of the Ocean Sea. New York: Viking Press, 1998. b. For a book with two authors: Ortega y Gasset, José, and Marias, Julián. Modern Philosophy. New York: Norton, 1952. c. For a book with three or more authors: Muppim, Jim, Huppim, John, and Ard, Bill. Israel. New York: Time, 2004. d. For a journal in an article: Shanks, Hershel. “Dead Sea Scrolls”. Biblical Archaeology Review 96 (Fall 2003): 21-24 and 57-59. {Note: list all pages in that issue of the journal where the article appears.} e. For an article from a popular magazine: Lewis, C. S. “The Four Loves.” Look August 7 1949, pp. 31-37 and 41. {Again: list all pages where the article appears.} f. For an article from a newspaper: Meyer, Ron. “Saline County Boys.” Benton [Ark] Courier, 27 February 2005, p. 3, col. 3-4. FAILURE TO DO SO – ONE POINT EACH TIME
Running Head: President John TylerInsert NameInsert Course TitleInsert Instructor`s NameDateJohn TylerJohn Tyler was the tenth president of the United States and ruled between 1841 and 1845.He rose to his office after the death of his predecessor, William Henry Harrison. Tyler was a long time democratic republican. This paper discusses on the actions and policies of his administration.Upon the death of his predecessor, interpretation of the constitution brought about confusion. The constitution of the United States stated “In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President.” the big question was whether the presidency itself devolved to Tyler, or it was powers and duties parse CITATION Cra06 l 1033 (Crapol, 2006).Even before any ruling was made, Tyler had taken an oath of office in a hotel room, where he had convened a cabinet meeting. It was during this meeting that Tyler overturned his predecessors` practice of making policy by cabinet majority.Since he took power, Tyler experienced a widespread opposition, and many assumed him as ‘an acting president` .Tyler`s assumption of full presidential powers later set a constitutional precedent for later successions.Impressed by his authoritative actions, house of congress later resolved to declare Tyler the president of United States. Tyler thus established a precedent that would be followed later. Interestingly though, detractors of Tyler never accepted him as the president of United States. Such detractors did not cow him down; as he assumed his office with full conviction that he was the rightful president of United States. “When his political opponents sent correspondence to the White House addressed to the ‘Vice President` or ‘Acting President,` Tyler had it returned unopened” reported Crapol in his article.When he took office of presidency, Tyler took an opposing stand on the party policies. Tyler was expected to adhere to his Whig party policies and to work closely his party leaders especially Henry Clay-the party leader. To assert his opposition, Tyler rejected most of their proposals. “The former Democrat shocked Congressional Whigs by vetoing virtually their entire agenda.” CITATION Cra06 l 1033 (Crapol, 2006).It is reported that Tyler vetoed Clay`s legislation for banking act; a bill that was tailored to meet his objections in the fist two veto. This action left the government deadlocked.This deadlock inspired massive resignation of his cabinet members. The resignations had been plan...
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