Organizational culture assessment paperNameUniversityDateOrganizational culture assessment paperIntroductionOrganizational culture and behavior can be said to be a description of beliefs, values and attitude that show the characteristics of the organization, this are said to be unique to the organization and show the psychological environment found within the organization (Sashkin, 2010). These values and beliefs can either be written or unwritten rules of the organization, they are unique to the organization and in most cases have been developed over time and are thought to have a positive effect on the employees and the organization as a whole. They can loosely be defined as a silent code of ethics in an organization. Organization culture and behavior has an effect on productivity and performance, this is because it provides guidelines for its workers on how to attend to their duties while still giving them freedom to show their personality (Lunenburg, 2010). This paper seeks to carry out an organizational culture assessment of the hospital. The group observes quality control and safety management as well as management of human resource is concern. The topics that will be covered include the Quality and Safety of patient initiatives, and initiatives of human resource management.Quality and SafetyThese two matters are intertwined greatly when it comes to matters of healthcare, one cannot be present without the other because they are symbiotic in nature and feed of each other to develop. For there to be safety in a hospital it is essential that not only are the services offered be of quality but also the equipment and staff need to both be of high quality and maintain this same high quality in issuance of their services respectively (Sashkin, 2010).Describe how this organization is responding the Quality and Patient Safety Movement.The hospital has tried working on these two aspects; they have a set of measures which they use to test and rate the quality and safety of services offered by their staff. These measures of quality are; * Outcomes - These are data collected from patients who have visited the hospital and services offered to them. They range from customer relations to administering of actual treatment to the patient. They help the hospital analyze how best the staff handle the problems the face on a daily basis and the outcome of such problems (Cameron & Quinn, 2011). * Process - This is where the hospital seeks to look at whether it`s followed a systematic step of processes it has laid with regards to patient care, this is at times referred to as evidence-based processes and are known to improve the quality of care and safety of patients. Unit Safety Officer Programs (USOPs) maybe introduced to observe staff, medical records and ask questions among other thin...