McDonalds` Business StrategyNameInstitution AffiliationCourseDate of SubmissionMcDonalds Business StrategyMcDonalds is among the leading company in fast food industry operating allover the globe. The firm has employed business strategy that allows it to compete in the available market space to acquire large market share. Business strategy is a powerful tool to a deliver a sustainable competitive differentiation in the industry. McDonalds brand is a strong force employed to make or break its products, as this enhances the firm to create a distinctive presence in the market and compete effectively. Branding enhances handling of products easily as this enhances consumers to embrace the notion of branding due to its ability to hold specific standards and strengthening of buyer preference. The development of branded products enhance McDonalds to create customer loyalty by adding value which consumers are willing to pay a premium price competitors are unable to copy.McDonald`s products and services reflect the major strategies the firm has adopted at various levels of corporate, business, and functional levels. The corporate level strategy is concerned with development and coordination of business port folio, while the business level strategy deals with division and product line concentrated at creating a sustainable competitive advantage to its products. The strategic issues related to business process of value chain lies at the functional level, where the development and coordination of resources in which unit level strategies are executed. McDonalds strategic and objectives preparations involve multistep process which includes; vision, mission, objectives and strategies.McDonalds being the leader in the fast food industry has its vision statement as the worl...