Case Assignment
Prepare a speech to entertain that would be approximately two minutes (equates to two typed pages) in length. The goal of a speech to entertain is to have the audience relax, smile, and enjoy the occasion.
Your speech should have a main point, or “message” and hopefully include a mix of humor with more serious morals or “lesson learned.” In other words, there should be a point to the speech instead of a series of one-liners strung together, one after another. You might include a lighthearted story that reveals a life lesson you have learned, examine a common topic from a different (or unexpected) point of view, or take a lighthearted look at a particular issue and have some fun with it. Always make an effort to select an audience-centered topic and try to personalize your content to engage your audience.
Topics may include:
Best man speech
Maid of honor toast to the couple
Birthday speech
Farewell speech
Graduation speech
Funeral speech
Commemorative speech
Inspirational speech at a university
This speech must be submitted in audio format (Audio Recorder, Webcam or Smart Device). Please title the saved file with YOUR NAME and SVC101 – M3Case.
Also, please make sure to filter any background noise. Your speech should be a minimum of 2 minutes in length. If your speech is more than 4 minutes long, you will need to compress your files before uploading. Please submit an e-ticket from the TLC homepage if you have problems uploading due to file size. A rule of thumb, if you file is over 85 MB, you will need to compress the file before uploading.
MyTLC Courses only supports the following media formats: SWF, MPG, MPEG, RM, MP3, MP4*, M4V*, M4A*, AVI, WAV, RAM, ASF, MOV, and RA.
Assignment Expectations
Create a two-minute recorded audio speech to entertain.
I would like my topic to be Inspirational speech at a university