How the integration of a mass retrofit proposal in

How the integration of a mass retrofit proposal into an urban regeneration strategy, with a supporting vision, master-plan, programme of renewal and redevelopment scheme, can reduce the underlying levels of energy consumption and carbon emission;

The primary theme of the paper is How the integration of a mass retrofit proposal into an urban regeneration strategy, with a supporting vision, master-plan, programme of renewal and redevelopment scheme, can reduce the underlying levels of energy consumption and carbon emission; in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $119 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

In their recent article, Deakin, et al. (2012a:1) review an attempt to sustain community development by what has been termed: ‘‘an active and integrated institutional arrangement’’. That is, by the integration of a mass retrofit proposal into an urban regeneration strategy, which has the vision, master-plan, programme of renewal and redevelopment scheme capable of transforming into an energy efficient-low carbon zone.”

The findings of this review have now come to the attention of a Community Energy Company and theChief Executive of this organisation has asked your consultancy to report on the following:

• How the integration of a mass retrofit proposal into an urban regeneration strategy, with a supporting vision, master-plan, programme of renewal and redevelopment scheme, can reduce the underlying levels of energy consumption and carbon emission;
(20 marks)

• What levels of energy savings and carbon reduction can be achieved by under-griddingenergy efficient-low carbon zones with smart (micro) grids; 
(30 marks)

• Why in assessing the environmental and economic sustainability of such redevelopments, it is important to establish the social baseline for any evaluation of the energy savings and carbon reductions;
(30 marks)

• Whether the programme of renewal underlying the master-plan and vision of urban regeneration, can support the strategy’s proposal that no one affected by the retrofit shall be made “worse-off” by the “energy efficient-low carbon zone”, which such redevelopments clear the way for. 

(20 marks)

Present your report to the Chief Executive of the Green Investment Bank in the form of a research brief on the “Potential of Mass Retrofit Proposals”,

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