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Home Solutions How has UBER disrupted taxi industry?
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The primary theme of the paper is How has UBER disrupted taxi industry? in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Structure of the report The structure below is recommended: Title/cover page The following details should be stated on your title page: • The title of your project • Student number • Name of supervisor Acknowledgement Thank any people who have assisted/contributed to your project. Contents Provide a list of the sections of your project with page numbers. Section 1: Introduction • What is the setting for your project? • What are the aims of your project? • What is your project about? • How and why did you choose the project? Section 2: Literature Review Review of relevant literature related to your research. Make sure you consult a wide range of relevant literature. All sources should be correctly attributed using the Harvard format. Section 3: Process • What methodology did you adopt (inductive or deductive?) • What methods did you choose? • How did you carry out your project? • Why did you choose this particular approach? • Did your approach differ from the Proposal? Why? Section 4: Discussion and Evaluation • An analytical, critical discussion of your project with references to literature to support your arguments. • How far do your findings contradict/confirm existing research? • Refer to any diagrams, questionnaire results, graphs, etc. Section 5: Conclusion and Recommendations • What do your findings show? • What were the limitations of your project? • What recommendations would you make on the basis of your findings? • Do you think your recommendations are innovative or entrepreneurial? How and why are they? Section 6: References
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