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Give a brief introduction stating why it is important that staff have an understanding of the legislation which may affect them. You might also want to say that if in doubt, always refer issues to HR
The primary theme of the paper is Give a brief introduction stating why it is important that staff have an understanding of the legislation which may affect them. You might also want to say that if in doubt, always refer issues to HR in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $399 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
FM4.03 People Management
8000 WORDS
Section 1 – Legislation
Give a brief introduction stating why it is important that staff have an understanding of the legislation which may affect them. You might also want to say that if in doubt, always refer issues to HR. Than go on to provide brief information about the main pieces of legislation which may affect them with particular emphasis on Health & Welfare and Discrimination. This means you must discuss legislation that addresses Health & Safety (done in FM4.05), the Employment Act; Maternity and Paternity legislation, Minimum Wage; Working Time Directive; Family Friendly Practices to name a few. If you have enough words you could also consider the other examples discussed in the lecture. You also need to consider the Equality Act 2010 with particular emphasis on Discrimination. This section also requires you to consider the consequences of non-compliance with the various aspects of non-compliance. 1000 - 1500 words
Section 2 – The Recruitment Cycle
You need to discuss the cycle from start to finish describing each stage from defining the need, considering whether you can recruit in-house or not, drawing up job descriptions/people specs, advertising, short listing, interviewing including type of interview and whether you require skills assessment, presentations etc, informing successful and non-successful candidates; references, health checks (of those offered the job only!) probation period and induction.
You also need to include a discussion about how you can ensure you recruit the correct people – you being involved in the whole procedure, careful writing of the job spec and person spec making sure it addresses the requirements, careful interviewing. You could also discuss peer interviews.
Section 3 – Workload and Work Allocation
You need to discuss briefly exactly what is meant by workload planning and how you would go about it. Think about the factors that may affect your planning – lack of skills, experience and knowledge in your team as a result of staff leaving, for example or as a result of a new contract, sickness, annual leave, staff shortages, incidents which require emergency staff. You need to discuss the importance of ensuring that the right people are doing the right job if the team is to achieve its objectives and how do you ensure this. 800 – 1000 words
Section 4 – Staff Performance
Start this section with a brief discussion of why measuring staff performance is important and then you need to go on to describe how you can do it. You will need to start by discussing individual and team objectives and why it is important that you set these. Remember that all objectives should be SMART – what does this mean? You can set KPIs for individuals and teams – what are these and what % achievement might you require? You then need to discuss the appraisal system. What is the difference between formal and informal appraisals? Then you need to discuss the different types of appraisal – traditional, developmental, 3600 and how the results of these may be used to help ‘develop’ the individual staff and the team/department as a whole. 800 – 1000 words
Section 5 – Grievance and Disciplinary
A fairly straight forward section. You just need to describe the whole process within your organisation in terms of grievance and disciplinary. Look at your policy and compare it with what you have learned – can your policy be improved. 800 – 1000 words
Section 6 – Communication
Look at communication as a whole and the different types of communication used particularly within your department. You might also want to consider barriers to communication and how these can be overcome. You need to describe why effective communication is important within the department. 800 words
Section 7 – Workplace Stress
You need to discuss what workplace stress actually is and what might cause it. You then need to discuss how you, as a manager might recognise it in either yourself or your staff and what effect it could have on the department as a whole. Finally, you need to discuss the different ways it can be managed within the workplace. You might want to consider issues such as presenteeism. 800 words
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