Describe how easy it is to do business in this cou

Describe how easy it is to do business in this country according to the information at this site. What factors make it easy to do business?

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Doing Business in the United Kingdom - Factors that Influence Trade


I need three different papers two pages per on the same country. Below are the different SLPs(1-3) for each paper. Introduction to International Business; Global Marketing Introduction Background Information Case assignment Session Long Project Objectives Throughout this course you will be looking at how easy it is do to business in countries. The World Bank has being doing an extensive study of this subject for many years. Please visit . Select a country at this site. Write a 2 page paper about this country: Identify the country and summarize its profile. Describe how easy it is to do business in this country according to the information at this site. What factors make it easy to do business? What factors make it difficult to do business? Are there explicit factors that deal with marketing? Explain why. Please make sure to use APA style and to use an Introduction, Main Body, and Conclusions. Use Headings and Titles. Click here for Tips for Good Writing. Remember, this is NOT a term paper due at the end of the course. Rather, this is done module by module. SLP 1 Assignment Expectations Select a country for your SLPs for BUS401 and write 2 pages about how easy or not it is to do business. Use appropriate writing style (organization, grammar, & spelling- see Writing Guidelines). ______________________________________________________________________________________________ For SLP2, please discuss international trade issues and how they impact your selected country and how it pursues doing business with other countries. Find out as much as you can about the international trade of the country you selected in module 1. Answer the following two questions in a 2 page paper and post it by the end of this module. Please be sure to use the proper paper format. Visit these websites: World Bank Data from Indicators: Exports, ODA, Services, Goods, Imports Globalization Index: World Trade Organization: Determine how international trade affects how easy it is for your country to do business. SLP 2 Assignment Expectations Continue to write about the country you selected in Module 1. Write 2 pages discussing the type(s) of international trade aspects of your country. Illustrate how open or not your country is to international trade. List supporting references and cite sources. Use appropriate writing style (organization, grammar, & spelling- see Writing Guidelines). SLP3 Assignment This SLP will focus on human resources and human resource strategies and policies and practices that may impact on your the ease of doing business in your country. Examine the folloiwng websites and papers: Health Index from UNDP: World Bank Indicators: Crime, Literacy, Secondary Enrollment, Fertility, Other Health Measures at Paper by Prof. Barro on Health Click Here to Read Paper by Prof. Barro on Education Click Here to Read Please write a 2 page paper, analyzing information about education and health issues on the ease of doing business in your country. Post your assignment. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ SLP 3 Assignment Expectations Continue to write about the country you selected in Module 1. Write 2 pages discussing the human resources affect the ease of doing business in your country. Use examples from various measures to illustrate human resource issues and level of development inyour country. List supporting references and cite sources. Use appropriate writing style (organization, grammar, & spelling- see Writing Guidelines).

SLP 1: Doing Business in the United Kingdom- Factors that Influence TradeNameInstitutionDoing Business in the United KingdomIntroductionThis study reflects on how easy or difficult it is for an entrepreneur to open a business in the United Kingdom while observing the countries rules and regulations. This study lays focus on; business registration, business financing, business procurement process, dealing with investor protection, building permits, property registration, international trade, remittance of taxes, dealing with insolvency and getting electricity supply. The basic measurements shall focus on the processes, the number of days taken and the cost per capita of the above mentioned processes.One of the sources the study analyses is a study by the World Bank that compares some of the economies that are the same level with the United Kingdom. These countries are: France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Singapore and The United States of America (USA) (World Bank, 2013, p. 5).All the above mentioned areas cover the primary factors affecting a wide range of businesses. A detailed study on these factors will help measure how easy or difficult it is to do business in the United Kingdom.Country ProfileThe United Kingdom is one of the developed countries and has the sixth largest economy as per The Gross Domestic Product. The purchasing power parity is the eighth largest among the world`s largest economies. In the 2011 census, the population projection for 2014 was 63.227 million with 53 million coming from England alone. 87% of the population is characterized by whites, 7% Asians and 3% blacks (Office for National Statistics, 2013).The official language is English-UK while the main religion is Christianity. About 11.3% of the total population is immigrants mostly from the European neighbouring countries. United Kingdom is considered as the industrial hub of Europe. The country is host to the second largest stock market in the world.The city of London is the world`s second largest business centre after New York. The income category of the UK is high income. This means that the general population has a relatively high disposable income. In business terms, it means that people are capable of purchasing general products i.e. they are potential customers to business investors.All these statistics indicate that the UK is an optimal place to do business. However, it is necessary to examine some factors in order to weigh how easy or difficult it is. These factors are measured in percentages and indices that are relative to time, money or to each other. Other measurements are ratings given by the World Bank.SLP 1 Continuation: Factors that make it Easy to do...
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