Multiculturalism in Art Education Name: Course: Instructor’s Name: Date: Specific purpose: To enlighten the audience on multiculturalism in art education Introduction * Attention Getter: What are the impacts of multiculturalism and art education on artisans? * Audience relevance: This is a presentation about multiculturalism in art education. The reason why I choose this topic of Multiculturalism in this art class is for us to stop for a second and think of our past, of our father’s time, grandfathers and the great fathers before us. Many years ago, multiculturalism was seen as the embrace of wide-ranging and diverse society and the answer to countries’ social problems. Before we go around binning some cultural activities or imitate some, we should ask our self some questions first. Is it right for us to copy that which is sacred or traditional in others? Is copying really flattery? That role do we artisan display when imitating? What is your role has an artisan in today world? Do you know you cultural activities? Should we just imitate someone’s work or create our own? Studying multiculturalism in art I believe will