Your objective in this assignment is to create a chapter that could be used in a textbook. This chapter will teach, demonstrate, and explain a particular theme or concept you have chosen, using examples from our textbook of all three genres (fiction, poetry, and drama) to illustrate that theme. You will include commentary on each work that places it in the context of the theme or concept you have chosen.
The chapter must include four poems, three short stories, and two plays. (Do not scan or copy the works themselves; just use their titles as placeholders.) At least one work in each genre must be from our assigned reading; the others need not be, but they must all be from our textbook. Be sure to cite each work correctly using MLA documentation.
here are the works needed for the chapter:4poems, 3short stories, 2plays
"The Second Coming”, Yeats/poem
"head, heart", Lidia davis/poem
"richard corey", Edwin Robinson/poem
"the ruined maid", thomas hardy/poem
`A Rose for Emily," William Faulkner/short story
"the shabbat", marjane satrapi/short story
"cathedral", raymond carver/short story
Hamlet, Shakespeare/play
"trifles", susan glasplell/play
For example, you might create a chapter on works that deal with childhood, or marriage, or family dynamics, or urban life, or death. Other examples could be quest for dreams, quest for identity, epiphanies, the importance of memory, etc. The chapter will include a close reading of each work and an explanation of how that work embodies the theme you have chosen. Be sure to make connections between the works (for example, comparison and/or contrast) to show how one work’s approach to the theme or concept differs from another’s.
The chapter should be presented in a well-designed, clear format. At least one graphic should be included. In terms of organization, you may wish to model your chapter after those in our textbook; however, feel free to organize your work as you see fit and what suits your style (and would appeal to readers). In general, you could begin your chapter with an overview, then include any definitions if needed. Then, include your selected pieces from each genre, followed by your analysis and research. It will be helpful for readers to provide clear transitions from one genre to the next—i.e. stating that just as in “X,” “Y” displays the same____________. Ultimately, there is no “right” way to format or organize the chapter as long as it is clear and well-written, pleasingly designed, and most important, insightful about the works you choose.