Terrorism.Students NameStudents NumberInstructors NameIntroductionTerrorism is the engagement in violent acts with an intention to create fear in the minds of the masses. It is mainly perpetrated for religious or ideological goals. The perpetrators mainly target defenseless civilians. The terror events have become widespread and are being perpetrated globally. The main culprits target innocent civilians whom they harm using bombs, grenades, and gun power. They hope that by doing this their grievances will be looked into by the relevant authorities. Harming innocent people is their preferred way of showing the pain in their hearts.Thesis statement.This paper seeks to explain the criminal acts of terrorism based on various theories on crime. It will show that the acts are criminal in organization and, perpetration by individuals.Theories on crime.There are various theories that explain crime. The first theory is the classical theory (Philip, 2008). This theory explains that human beings are independent minded. They think rationally before deciding what to do. Human beings exercise their free will in deciding what is best for them. The indulgence in crime by individuals brings them pleasure. This pleasure eliminates the pain society has caused them. Individuals who perpetrate terrorism do it after weighing on the pros and cons of their actions. Most of them are religious fundamentalists who associate any action they consider undesirable as an affluent to their religion. The laws that are applicable in every jurisdiction should be fair both to the offender and the offended (Sung, 2003). Every criminal act should be punished proportionately to the gravity of the offense. The culprits in terrorism cases are normally sentenced to lengthy jail terms. This discourages any potential offenders and also brings justice to the many people who are affected either directly or indirectly by the terrorist actions. According to the classical theory the authorities must formulate laws that are clear. They should be easily understood by the majority. The laws should not be biased against any offender. This is due to the presumption of innocence on the offender (suspect) until proven guilty. The interpreters of the law (judges) should be non partisan in the dispensation of justice. They must quote sections of the law that have been violated. The same law should give the prescribed remedy in terms of punishment to any offender. The punishment meted out on offenders should only be based on law and not the discretion of judges. The public should be educated on the laws that govern them. They will be aware of the applicability of the law in ensuring equity in society. For the law to take its course, corruption must be eliminated from the judiciary (Elliot, 2007). This will promote fairness to all. The classical school stresses the importance of deterrence as a means of combating crime.The second theory...