Classroom Library:Book Selection and Reflection(Student`s Name)(Course Code/Number)(Name of Professor)(Date of Submission)Classroom Library:Book Selection and ReflectionIntroductionLibraries are perhaps one of the most influential areas of a school, with the multitude of knowledge and sources that it offers. Libraries serve as among the most important source of information for students, especially now that most libraries have allowed for access to the internet. Still, actual printed books placed in libraries serve as vital aspects of the education experience of students. In fact, even though the modern world has “gone online†with its libraries, the solid, hard-copy of a book still remains the most significant source of information as well as visual stimulation for students, especially those in their earlier years of education CITATION Wil10 l 1033 (Williams & Golden, 2010). Indeed, this is the case in classroom libraries.Classroom libraries serve as ideological and creative resources not only for students, but also for teachers. Indeed, through the careful selection of books placed in libraries, the educator can inspire his/her students to think broadly regarding a wide number of subjects. The books placed by the teacher in the classroom can provide powerful examples of different abstract concepts especially involving identity, social justice, equity, diversity, and numerous others. In relation, this paper will then involve the selection and enumeration of books that can be included in a classroom library for students in their 5th to 6th Grade. Forty books will be chosen based on different categories, with a mixture of fiction and non-fiction works. This paper will first present books in Curriculum section, followed by books on diversity, the teacher`s choice section, on an author study, controversial books, and then books that have been given awards. These books will be assessed and evaluated based on their appearance, quality, accuracy, bias, usefulness, and several other criteria.CurriculumIn this section of the library, books that were included can be tied directly to the Ontario and Canadian curriculum for Grades 5-6. Based on the curriculum provided by the Government of Ontario (2009), the following books were chosen. The books aim to stimulate thought processes and reflection for the children in the different subjects placed within the curriculum.Bredeson, C. (2008). Getting Ready for Space. Danbury CT: Children`s Press*Non-fiction Subject/Curriculum: Science (Understanding Earth and Space Systems)Summary: The book provides a simplified discussion on the things astronauts do to prepare for space, including the use of special machines, riding in an airplane, and working underwater.Appearance: With the use of colorful photos, the book makes an interesting and attractive read for students.Usefulness: Through simple words and illustrations, the book provides a way by which students can easily understand a scientific subject that...