Anti-Bias Book List Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of submission Abby, HYPERLINK "" Jeannette Franklin Caines, HarperCollins Children`s Books 0064430499 This is about a young girl who is adopted and asks questions about her mother and brothers by looking her baby photos. Abuela, Arthur Dorros, Scott Foresman (Pearson K-12) 0140562257 Looks on a celebration of a relationship between grandmother and grand daughter Abuela`s weave, Omar S. Castaneda, Lee & Low Books, Inc. 1880000202 The book shows a relationship between a young girl and her grandmother who weave cloth and tapestries to sell them during fiesta. The Added Touch, Robyn Watson, Silver Star Publications 0967652901 The book shows how a young child with Attention deficit disorder struggles in school explaining ADD children. Adoption is for Always, Judith Friedman, Albert Whitman & Company 0807501875 This shows how an adopted girl is helped by her new parents to underst...