MARITAL CHECK-UP KIT [Learner Name] [COURSE NUMBER – NAME] [Date] [Professor Name] Abstract At the current rate of divorce, marriage counseling is becoming a necessary element in the society to save the basic unit, the family. Counselors have at their disposal various tools that they can use to help the clients achieve desired results. Marital Check-Up Kit, is one of the assessment tools that counselors can use to achieve results in the family counselling sessions. The tool is designed into a two page program and has six sections that clients are supposed to fill out. According to the reviews, the tool can be applied in relationships with sexual orientation other than just the marriage couples. Marital Check-Up Kit As the rates of divorce continues to continuously grow exponentially, the need and elemental necessity for marriage counselling is eminent. More than often couples will have issues that require the insight of the third party with professional experience rather than mere opinions (Gladding & Newsome, 2010). Counselors have a number of tools at the disposal that they can use to assess the situation with the clients. These are designed programs that