Name: Instructor: Course: Date: 1) Truman Show Response: Answer the following questions completely and comprehensively using the 5 Core Concepts of Media, and the other basics of media literacy that we have discussed in class over the past 2 weeks to inform your answer. My expectation is longer responses to answer the prompts well. You can expect to see these questions again in some form on our final, so consider this good practice for that. Your response needs to be turned in to Google Classroom by class time on Friday. “We accept the world with which we’re presented.” Christof makes this claim in The Truman Show. How does this claim apply to our world and role of the media in our world? How valid do you feel this claim is? Explain in 2-3 paragraphs. Much of the world views are developed through the media, as such the media controls a good majority of what people feel in their lives. This is a reality that most people do not realize but happens to be subtle aspect in the current society. Aspects like fashion