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Home Solutions You are acting for a client who wishes to acquire a single property as an investment.
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The primary theme of the paper is You are acting for a client who wishes to acquire a single property as an investment. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
1. BRIEF 2500words
You are acting for a client who wishes to acquire a single property as an investment.
1. You are required to select a suitable commercial property and produce a valuation report advising the client on the capital and rental value of the property, assessing its suitability as an investment. You should append a fully annotated investment valuation to your report showing how you arrived at your capital valuation.
The property is intended to be a real property but you are not required to carry out an inspection nor should you seek to gain access to the property or the agents, occupiers, owners etc. You will need to make any appropriate assumptions and these should be stated in the report.
You may use a property that is currently on the market for sale and in this case you should advise on the appropriateness of the current asking price.
2. The property you select should conform to the following criteria:
Knowledge of subject and literature (breadth and appropriate selection of
secondary sources)
Critical evaluation (demonstration of critical analysis skills)
Data analysis and cogency of arguments (ability to synthesise and present
complex concepts and data)
Written presentation, writing and clarity of expression (well structured, fluent
PowerPoint Presentation – design and clarity of expression
Referencing using the Harvard Referencing System
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