What is the code of ethics for Computer Science?
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What is the code of ethics for Computer Science?
• How can we enforce ethical research practice within the science community?
• What are some directions in computer science research worth pursuing?
• What are some interesting computer science research going in the field of Cognitive science?
• What are modern trends in computer science research?
• What are some good methods to read a research paper in Computer Science?
• What are currently the hot topics in computer science research?
• Research in computer science?
• Is “International Journal of Computer Science Issues” considered reputable journal by Machine Learning researchers?
• How do you conduct computer science research?
• What are some ethical issues in computer science research?
• What is the code of ethics for Computer Science?
• How can we enforce ethical research practice within the science community?
• What are some directions in computer science research worth pursuing?
• What are some interesting computer science research going in the field of Cognitive science?
• What are modern trends in computer science research?
• How can data collected from children be used ethically (e.g. COPPA legislation)?
• At what point does a predictive model of an individual’s behavior become an invasion of privacy?
• Will a computer-based sentience have any rights? Are they the same as those of a person? Of a monkey? Of a dolphin? Of a dog?
• What uses of human-computer interfaces are unethical?
• Should a computer-augmented human (e.g. one who has a computer controlling lactic acid uptake of a limb, or one who has a computer-controlled artificial limb) be allowed to compete against unmodified organic humans?
• What uses of biologically-based storage and computing paradigms are unethical?
• All of the singularity hoopla
• What are some good methods to read a research paper in Computer Science?
• What are currently the hot topics in computer science research?
• Research in computer science?
• Is “International Journal of Computer Science Issues” considered reputable journal by Machine learning researchers?
• How do you conduct computer science research?
• What are some computer science research labs?
• What are some ethical issues related to psychological researches?
• What is research specifically in Computer Science?
• What is methodology in computer science research?
• Does Computer science have any research taboos?
• Is my computer science research question good?
• What could be the ethical or moral issues involved with Human-Computer Interaction?
• Can someone provide some computer science research topics?
• Is ethical hacking only for computer science and IT people?
• What computer science skills are most valuable in neuroscience research?
• What is the code of ethics for Computer Science?
• How can we enforce ethical research practice within the science community?
• What are some directions in computer science research worth pursuing?
• What are some interesting computer science research going in the field of Cognitive science?
• What are modern trends in computer science research?
• What are some good methods to read a research paper in Computer Science?
• What are currently the hot topics in computer science research?
• Research in computer science?
• Is “International Journal of Computer Science Issues” considered reputable journal by Machine Learning researchers?
• How do you conduct computer science research?
1) If software that you wrote is used to break the law (or violate civil liberties), and you suspected, knew, or should have known it was likely to be abused, are you complicit in the crime? Legally or just ethically? How could we enforce such laws? How should such conspirators be punished?
2) If software that you wrote fails, who is legally responsible? You? Your employer? The user? This also applies to hardware controlled by your software too, like car braking systems or autonomous robots. As software evolves or is re purposed, how should contributor responsibility be reassessed?
3) How should we evaluate or label software for its level of trustworthiness? Should all commercial software report the level of testing it went through? Should there be an independent agency that ensures software safety (like Underwriter’s Laboratories does for electrical appliances).
4) Which focus best ensures civil liberties? Regulating: A) what personal data may be collected, B) how data may be collected, C) who has access to the data, or D) how the data may be used?
5) Should some level of independent oversight (or transparency) be required by law whenever data is collected from people involuntarily? (Examples: customers, pedestrians, employees, children.)
6) Should there be a personal Hippocratic oath for computer scientists, especially those collecting or mining personal data? Should this oath be periodically reevaluated by independent boards and formally enforced? Should penalties be assessed for violators, as is done for irresponsible or criminal physicians or attorneys?
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