Unit 7

Unit 7

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Unit 7

Create and submit the Time Schedule for the proposed research and resources needed, as well as additional personnel, budget details, the consent forms, and the questions used for the surveys/questionnaires/interviews. The questions and possible responses must support the research objectives and the hypothesis. (Estimated length – five pages) Time Schedule/Time Line: Propose how long the research process could take (hypothetically). Remember that a proposal stops at the proposal stage and that there is no actual research conducted by you. You are to propose what you will do and when to carry out the study. (Estimated length – two paragraphs) • Resources Needed: List and explain all proposed resources (e.g., computers, programs, surveys, etc.). (Estimated length – two paragraphs) • Personnel: List the categories or types of assistance needed from others (not the participants) to conduct the proposed research. (Estimated length – one paragraph) • Budget: List all expenses proposed to incur during the research. Include all details for the proposed budget, and then add them up for a total proposed budget. (Estimated length – half a page) • Needed Assurances/Clearances: Include the proposed releases needed for tests, surveys, or other instruments that may be used to conduct the research. Research involving humans require consent forms. Create and include the voluntary consent form for participant permission. See pages 80-81 of your textbook. (Estimated length – one page) • Surveys/Questionnaires/Interviews: Create and include the list of questions proposed to be asked for the research. Make sure the questions pertain to and support the problem statement, the objectives of the study, and the hypothesis. Include the possible answers when using a multiple-choice or Likert format. (Estimated length – one to two pages) • References: List a minimum of five references used for the Literature Review of this Research Proposal. Follow APA guidelines regarding use of references in text and in the references page. Only references cited in the text are to be included in the references page. See page 282 of the textbook. (Estimated length – one page) ******Please see attachments for Research proposal, research objectives, hypothesis, and the literature review & copy of the textbook********
Unit 7 Assignment Name: Institution: Date: Research Proposal- Eating Disorders Time Schedule The proposed research project will be undertaken in five phases in a one-year project period .Particularly, the following time schedule is planned, presuming that a start date on or about November 1, 2012. TASKTARGET COMPLETION DATEPhase IIRB Submission9/28/2012IRB Approval10/26/2012Pilot research proposal of time 1 field Survey finished11/29/2012Research proposal pilot testing of retiree survey finished11/29/2012Informational meetings together with Out-of-State Nutritional and Nurses Directors completed; sample contact information obtained.1/17/2012Phase IIResearch proposal mail administration of time 1 field survey02/23/2012Research proposal mail administration of retiree field survey02/30/2012Research proposals` participants reminders dispatched04/05/2012Phase IIIResearch proposal data coding and cleaning-Time 1 field survey 06/15/2012Research proposal data coding and cleaning –Retiree field survey06/29/2012Data analysis of time 1 field survey finished08/25/2012Phase IVResearch proposal pilot testing of time 2 completed surveys10/30/2012Writing up and submitting retiree survey findings to Institute of Nurses Association01/01/2013Research proposal mail administration of time 2 field survey02/16/2013Archival of patient status accrued from healthcare records03/16/2013Research proposal data coding and cleaning-Time 2 field survey and archrival data07/08/2013Research proposal data analysis of pooled wave field surveys07/20/2013Phase VResearch proposal writing up field survey and submit to Institute of Nurses Association conference09/15/2013Submitting field survey results to Journal of Applied psychology 10/25/2013Writing up of executive summary ;submit the findings to Institute of Nurses Association12/12/2013 Research Proposal Resources The research proposal will use more of...
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