Unit 7 Assignment Name: Institution: Date: Research Proposal- Eating Disorders Time Schedule The proposed research project will be undertaken in five phases in a one-year project period .Particularly, the following time schedule is planned, presuming that a start date on or about November 1, 2012. TASKTARGET COMPLETION DATEPhase IIRB Submission9/28/2012IRB Approval10/26/2012Pilot research proposal of time 1 field Survey finished11/29/2012Research proposal pilot testing of retiree survey finished11/29/2012Informational meetings together with Out-of-State Nutritional and Nurses Directors completed; sample contact information obtained.1/17/2012Phase IIResearch proposal mail administration of time 1 field survey02/23/2012Research proposal mail administration of retiree field survey02/30/2012Research proposals` participants reminders dispatched04/05/2012Phase IIIResearch proposal data coding and cleaning-Time 1 field survey 06/15/2012Research proposal data coding and cleaning –Retiree field survey06/29/2012Data analysis of time 1 field survey finished08/25/2012Phase IVResearch proposal pilot testing of time 2 completed surveys10/30/2012Writing up and submitting retiree survey findings to Institute of Nurses Association01/01/2013Research proposal mail administration of time 2 field survey02/16/2013Archival of patient status accrued from healthcare records03/16/2013Research proposal data coding and cleaning-Time 2 field survey and archrival data07/08/2013Research proposal data analysis of pooled wave field surveys07/20/2013Phase VResearch proposal writing up field survey and submit to Institute of Nurses Association conference09/15/2013Submitting field survey results to Journal of Applied psychology 10/25/2013Writing up of executive summary ;submit the findings to Institute of Nurses Association12/12/2013 Research Proposal Resources The research proposal will use more of...