The Shopping Act: How people Behave while they are

The Shopping Act: How people Behave while they are shopping

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The Shopping Act: How people Behave while they are shopping

The Shopping Act

Most shopping places usually arrange the various types of products that they are selling on shelves for customers to pick their preferred product, what is commonly referred to as self-service. I once carried out an observation that involved malls and shopping complexes in the upper market and the lower end market. My concern was to identify whether customers in these two locations would behave differently and whether they would follow a specific norm when they were selecting products.

Interestingly, customers in different locations behave differently depending on the day and their gender. Customers in lower market were quick to compare prices between different products and at times, they would ask the attendants whenever they saw a new product, but in most occasions, they would not buy. However, in the high-end market, the customer would more often buy a product once they were prompted or when they were made aware of its existence. In addition, these customers in the high-end market would only select products based on brands they probably were aware. Both women in these two places would also behave differently as they would be analytical and would further choose products placed further on the shelves as opposed to those that were at the front. Most men were quick to choose a product at the front and they moved in a hurry failing to analyze the product prices. On weekends, women were more visible, and they would purchase different types of products. They also took a longer time when making purchases.

I believe these patterns were based on how the society tends to mold our perception about different issues that surround us. I also believe, the background of each individual could have factored in how they behaved and the choosing skills they displayed when they preferred products that were at the front of the shelf as opposed to those that were further away.


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