The Savant Peer Educator Program

The Savant Peer Educator Program

The primary theme of the paper is The Savant Peer Educator Program in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $99 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

The Savant Peer Educator Program


Detail will be on the attached file. GOOD INFORMATION ABOUT THE SAVANT PROGRAM: You can start by visiting the Office for Women’s Affairs website at

Subject: X100 Business Consulting Project


The Savant Peer Educator Program is part of the Office for Women’s Affairs Empowerment Project. Savant peer educators are a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students, who have been trained by faculty and community experts to raise awareness about empowerment, gender equity, ethical living, and social justice. Savants strive to equip their peers with the knowledge of recognizing, intervening in, and preventing incivility, relationship violence, and sexual assault, all forms of discrimination and prejudice, and unethical practices in the university community and beyond.


Using an interactive format that encourages exploration, dialogue and debate, Savant presentations emphasize the latest relevant research in ways that are accessible to students.  Savant has workshops catered for Indiana University residence halls, Greek houses, student and other social organizations, and classroom settings as guest lecturers for AIs and professors.


In 2009 Savants workshops reached about 1500 students. In 2010 we reached 2500 students. However, Indiana University Bloomington has a student population of about 40000 with roughly 10000 freshman class.  Our objective is to reach more students - -  especially freshmen who as the research shows tend to be more vulnerable to relationship violence and sexual assault.



We want you to build a concrete plan on how best the Savant outreach project can be realized. Toward that end, we are looking for plans that will demonstrate/show:

  • How should we organize and get our word out? For instance the best advertizing and marketing strategies on a tight budget. How much will your plan cost? How much time does it require? What kinds of resources does it require? This is an opportunity for you to be creative. How should we reach male and female freshmen? Greeks and especially men on campus to inform them about sexual assault and violence on campus? 
  • How do we get funding for this project? The Office for Women’s Affairs (OWA) is the least funded unit on campus. Develop ways to help raise funds to support the Savants (should the Savants start charging for their services? If so how much?)
  • Finally, when and where are the groups under review most receptive? In dorms, classrooms, or events and at what times of the day should they be targeted?   


Paper Requirements:

This paper should be a 5-page double-spaced report PLUS 3 or 4 pages of graphs, charts, ads, and appendices you choose to clarify your ideas. Also include a separate title page with your name and section number and bibliographyciting your sources. You are welcome to use the Library, but Deans, real insights from real students, questionnaire results, survey data, talking with Savant peer educators etc. will yield better results.  The project counts for 20 percent of the total grade in X100.



Grading Criteria:

Original and Unique− Research what the Savants have done in the past to reach the freshman, Greeks and male groups to inform them about sexual assault and violence on campus. Think of ways to build on what is already being done, or to pursue a new direction. You can start by visiting the Office for Women’s Affairs website at or you can attend the upcoming OWAfest on September, 23 at Memorial Hall East from 4-6pm and interact with many of the Savant peer educators to gain some perspective of the program. This could help with your overall project. This event is highly recommended.

Concrete and Realistic−We are looking for evidence of time and energy dedicated to this project. Keep in mind the Savants are a group of students like you and have time constraints. Toward that end, see what other Big Ten campuses have done in the area of student peer educators. Simply proposing more workshops will not suffice. We are looking for a cutting-edge plan of action with each approach well thought-out and feasible. With this being a business course, make sure you do a cost/benefit analysis of your ideas to the Savants (manpower and monetary).

Clear and articulate−Make sure your paper is organized with a clear structure. It must be complete with an in-depth coverage of the subject assignment. It must have correct theoretical and technical definitions related to the subject matter.

Solution oriented−Focus on what the Savants can do at IUB. Your project ideas should be feasible initiatives that the Savants could implement campus-wide. Every day is sexual assault prevention day but April is sexual assault prevention month.

Appropriate citations− Make sure to correctly cite all your sources.


You will be graded on:

  • Clarity
  • Feasibility
  • Thorough/Comprehensive
  • Beyond the obvious
  • Creativity
  • Practicality/Reality
  • Attention to Detail
  • Cost (Total cost for the project should be $1,000). 


Name:University:Course:Tutor:Date:The Savant Peer Educator Program The essay paper outlines information in relation to savant peer educator program which is part of office for women’s affairs empowerment project. The target groups are undergraduate and graduate students trained by community experts. The major concern about the program is to create awareness about gender equality, social justice, ethical living and empowerment. Savant peer educators try to equip peers with adequate knowledge of recognizing, preventing, and intervening relationship violence in addition to all forms of sexual assault, prejudice, relationship violence and unethical practices (Indiana University, 2008). The students are targeted while in university and after completion of higher learning. Savant uses friendly means such as exploration, debate, dialogue to pass important information relating to good means of maintaining discipline. Dialogue is a very important consideration by Savant presentations which emphasizes the latest relevant research which is important for students. A number of workshops have been organized by Savant to help university students. Students living in halls of residence, Greek houses, other social organizations and classroom settings are provided with adequate knowledge by professors as they are always present throughout the day. A number of students have been reached through the workshops. For instance in 2009, Savants workshops reached 1500 students and this number increased by 1000 students after a period of one year. The objective of Savant is to reach as many students as possible especially the new comers. The fresh students are usually vulnerable to relationship violence and sexual assault and this is the main reason that makes Savant target such students (Indiana University, 2010). Reaching male, fresh students and Greeks has been one of the major targets by the Savant. Providing information about relationship violence and sexual assault is achieved through various mechanisms. Organization of workshops, social gatherings, sports, class lessons, guidance and counseling clubs and seminars promote equitable resources and learning opportunities for students. Female undergraduate students are usually affected by relationship violence and sexual assault. This means that it is the responsibility of each member to actively participate in matters that promotes progressive policies for better learning. Information is power and once fresh students are told about the consequences of relationship violence and sexual assault it becomes easy for them to take the appropriate measures. Empowering students with relevant knowledge means that students are usually equipped with thorough knowledge on how to take care. Organization of workshops by Savant is one of the most appropriate methods which have proved to be effective. This is because the students are sensitized ...
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