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Home Solutions Tasks 1. Implement your database design in MySQL. (20 marks) You will implement the Flight Bookings database produced in Assignment 1A in MySQL.
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The primary theme of the paper is Tasks 1. Implement your database design in MySQL. (20 marks) You will implement the Flight Bookings database produced in Assignment 1A in MySQL. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $119 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Assessment Task C – Critical Review Database Design Assessment weighting: 40% Submission Date/Time: Wednesday, December 06, 2017 at 9 PM (UK time) This is an individual assessment worth 40% of the module. Overview Working from the database you designed in Assessment A, you will produce a database using MySQL together with an web interface. You will cover possible security issues and critically evaluate your work. You will demonstrate collaborative group working skills by contributing to a group discussion board (with both original posts and responding to the posts of others) to help other students with technical issues during their development. Tasks 1. Implement your database design in MySQL. (20 marks) You will implement the Flight Bookings database produced in Assignment 1A in MySQL. Your database tables must be created using SQL statements which must be detailed in your final report. You will also supply a supporting .sql file which can be run by the assessor in order to create the tables in MySQL. You must include all primary and foreign keys as well as any other table or column constraints you feel are appropriate. Using appropriate sample data and your own imagination, you will populate your finished tables. 2. Optimize and secure your database (10 marks) Apply suitable database optimization and query-tuning techniques – such as indexing and clustering to your final set of tables. Note and explain these in your supporting technical documentation. Create three new users on your database and allocate different security privileges and roles with respect to the database tables. Demonstrate what actions each user can/cannot perform. Note and explain these roles in your supporting technical documentation. 3. Produce wireframe mockups of the Flight Booking Website and build a basic functioning interface for website administrators. (30 marks) You now have a fully working, secure and optimized database. Use wireframes to mockup the stages that various users will take in the following scenarios: University of Derby Online Learning 12 of 16 □ a passenger registering with the website □ a passenger booking tickets for his family □ a passenger amending an existing booking □ The website administrator viewing all bookings on a flight □ The website administrator adding a new route to the Flight Booking Database Highlight any issues which arose or were picked up during the wireframe stage in a supporting report. Build a simple functioning web based interface using PHP, MySQL and HTML allowing the flight booking website administrator to: □ Log in as an administrator □ add a new booking □ amending an existing booking □ by delete an existing booking □ view all bookings on a particular flight NOTE: You will not be assessed on the graphic design of your wireframe mockups or final web interface which is meant to be a working prototype rather than a finished website. You do not need to spend time on the ‘look and feel’ of the finished design (e.g. colour scheme / logos / typography) etc. 4. Contribute to the Group Discussion board (10 marks) Collaborating with fellow students is an important component to this assignment. You will need to contribute to the Group Discussion Board and provide advice and assistance to fellow students. Please note that this should not involve you carrying out other students’ work for them. 5. Report on the security and performance issues involved in implementing your Flight booking web application (30 marks) Write a 1000 word critical evaluation of your final submission explaining the various security measures you would take in implementing the Flight Booking Database. Highlight any security issues such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks which might arise if your website application was made public and explain how these would be addressed. You should also report on how your database could be further improved in its performance. What you will need to submit for Part C A zip archive with the naming convention [Student-ID]_database_1b_
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