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Home Solutions Q1: Apple is frequently criticised for working conditions at Foxconn. Critics focus on low pay (relative to US), long hours and suicides.
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The primary theme of the paper is Q1: Apple is frequently criticised for working conditions at Foxconn. Critics focus on low pay (relative to US), long hours and suicides. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $99 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Q1: Apple is frequently criticised for working conditions at Foxconn. Critics focus on low pay (relative to US), long hours and suicides. On the other hand, locals wait hours in line to apply for the jobs that pay well by their standards. - When a company determines wages, it’s always possible to simply bargain for the lowest price possible, but if the guiding idea is, instead, providing a socially responsible wage to the Chinese workers, how should the actual amount be determined? In terms of local buying power? International norms? The ability of consumers to pay? Something else?
Q2: Ethically, does it matter whether the employees who assemble the iPhone and iPad can actually afford to buy one?
Q3: If the decision were made to act on one front—either philanthropy or employee working conditions—which of the two is more recommendable from the perspective of corporate social responsibility? - What kind of philanthropy would be appropriate? - How could the problem of working conditions be addressed? Q4: Foxconn is an independent company. Make the case that considerations of Apple`s role in society and its performance with respect to corporate social responsibility should not be stretched out to include the performance of suppliers like Foxconn.
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