The primary theme of the paper is PROPER USE OF IN TEXT REFERENCING IS IMPORTANT AND AVOID DIRECT QUOTES in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $109 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
- Assessment Information
This is a group assignment for on campus students. The group should consist of no more than 2 students.
Off campus (FLEX)studentsmay also do this assignment in group of 2, but this is likely to be difficult. Therefore, off campus students may do this assignment individually.
If students do this assignment as a group, only one memberof the group will submit the assignment online by uploading it in Moodle.
Please make sure you click on the submit button after uploading or else the submission will remain as a draft and will not be marked.
The marksheet of this assignment is your coversheet and the names of the students in the group must be clearly indicated, or if you are doing the assessment individually, your name is to be written on the marksheet.
For students doing the assignment in a group of 2, by completing the names in the marksheet, you are acknowledging that both of you have contributed almost a similar amount of time and effort. The same mark will be awarded to both. Should you believe you should get more marks than your team member, then both of you must provide a signed declaration of how the marks are to be divided. This pdf declaration is to be upload separately on the Moodle site.
- Requirements for both case studies in Assessment 2
Please present the answers of both case studiesin two separatereports in report formatsaved into one word document. No Executive Summary or Contents page is required. A short introduction and a short conclusion will be ideal. Provide (create your own) a title that indicate what you are trying to discuss for each report.
Where copying and paraphrasing from other sources results in high % similarity, marks will be deducted as shown on the marksheet. Therefore, proper use of in-text referencing is important and avoid direct quotes. Turnitin will be used to check % similarity. As a guide, % similarity more than 20% will not be awarded the full mark for this category.
Please do not copy the questions to be answered from the textbook as it would be reflected as part of the % similarity.
Under extenuating circumstances where high % similarity indicates copying and paraphrasing from written works of other students in CQU or other universities or any other institutions world-wide, the assignment may be reviewed by academic misconduct board for appropriate actions.
The rubric on the marksheet below is to let you understand how the marks are distributed and awarded for each question. For calculation questions, marks will be awarded for the accuracy in the calculations, showing the right formulae to be used, the steps shown in arriving at the answers, the correct answers and any diagrams/timeline as required.Correct answers alone will give you 50% of the total mark.Marks will be awarded for clarity of explanations and expressing yourself in your own words. Concise description and correctness of answers are also important together with any diagrams or figures where applicable.
- Assessment Questions
Please provide answers / solutions to the following two Case Studies in two separate reports:
3.1 Case Study 1: Financial markets
“Troy Dexter is an affluent venture capitalist based in Sydney. In 2009 Troy founded a hedge fund called Northwest Capital Management. A hedge fund is an investment fund whose aim is to deliver positive returns on money invested while minimising risk. A hedge fund can be thought of as a company whose main activity is to invest in a range of financial assets. Troy’s hedge fund adopts a macro investment strategy that aims to profit from significant shifts in the economy. Apart from his own money which he uses to invests in a range of financial assets, the fund is also open to investors who can participate in the fund for an annual management fee. Although hedge funds aim at reducing risk by employing different hedging techniques, there is still a certain element of risk as there are periods where the returns on investments are negative. Troy’s vision of the future is that the strong growth in Australian housing market will come to an end, economic growth will stall and the price of oil will escalate. This Troy is currently buying treasury bonds in the debt markets and energy stocks in the share market.
- From the point of view of Northwest Capital Management, are treasury bonds and energy stocks direct or indirect securities? Explain.
- Consider an investor who invests money in Northwest Capital Management. The money ends up being invested in treasury bonds and energy stocks. From the perspective of the investor, does she hold direct securities by investing in Northwest Capital Management? Explain.”(Petty et al., 2012, p. 79)
3.2 Case Study 2: “Making Norwich Tool’s lathe investment decision
Norwich Tool, a large lathe machine shop, is considering replacing one of its lathes with either of two new lathes-lathe A or lathe B. Lathe A is a highly automated, computer-controlled lathe; lathe B is a less expensive lathe that uses standard technology. To analyse these alternatives,”(Gitman, 1994, p. 393) you, “a financial analyst, prepared estimates of the initial investment and incremental (relevant) cash inflows associated with each lathe. These are summarised in the following table:
Lathe A
Lathe B
Initial Investment
Cash Inflows
- Use the payback period to assess the acceptability and relative ranking of each lathe.
- Assuming equal risk, use the following sophisticated capital budgeting technique to assess the acceptability and relative ranking of each lathe.
(1) Net present value (NPV)
(2) Internal rate of return (IRR)
- Indicate which lathe you would recommend, if either, if the firm has
(1) unlimited funds or
(2) capital rationing” (Gitman, 1994, p. 394)
FINC20018 T1 2017 Mark Sheet for Assignment 2
Name:_________________________ Campus:__________ Student ID: _________
Name:_________________________ Campus:__________ Student ID: _________
Max Marks
Marks for each Q
Case Study 1
Question 1
(20 marks)
Answer the question using definitions, comparisons and contrasts
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 1
Question 2
(20 marks)
Answer the questions with an explanation
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 2 Part (a)
(4 marks)
Correct Calculation with table
Analysis of acceptability and relative ranking of each lathe
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 2 Part (b part 1)
(9 marks)
Correct Calculation with right formula, timeline.
Interpret your findings
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 2 Part (b part 2)
(9 marks)
Correct Calculation with right formula, timeline.
Interpret your findings
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 2 Part (c part 1)
Explanation and interpretation with regards to unlimited funds
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Case Study 2 Part (c part 2)
(9 marks)
Explanation and interpretation with regards to capital rationing
Clarity in explanation & good presentation
Degree of % similarity & proper referencing
Total out of 80
Total out of 20
Penalty (late submission without approval @ 1 mark per day or if you work in a group of 3 or more – 8 marks penalty)
Total mark out of 20 after deduction
100% Plagiarism Free & Custom Written
Tailored to your instructions