Running head: Political Science Politic science research paper: “Obama`s New War”{Insert student`s name}{Insert instructor`s name}October, 10th 2011.AbstractThe interventions in war torn nations by the western countries such as France, United States of America and Britain among others have faced major contradictions. Thus this paper is out to establish whether the presidents Obama`s call for democracy and is applied actions are justified and honest. It will also highlight the past interventions and the theories of existing interventions. In addition to that the element of Bricmont data will be presented. The paper is organised into a number of sections from introduction to conclusion.Table of Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996987" Abstract PAGEREF _Toc305996987 h 2 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996988" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc305996988 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996989" Background PAGEREF _Toc305996989 h 4 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996990" Theoretical positions PAGEREF _Toc305996990 h 7 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996991" Severity of conditions on the ground PAGEREF _Toc305996991 h 8 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996992" Domestic Political Influences PAGEREF _Toc305996992 h 8 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996993" Geopolitical Considerations PAGEREF _Toc305996993 h 9 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996994" Past interventions (Somalia, Bosnia) PAGEREF _Toc305996994 h 9 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996995" Capitalism theory as an intervention tool PAGEREF _Toc305996995 h 11 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996996" Current non-interventions (Bahrain, Syria, Yemen, and others) PAGEREF _Toc305996996 h 12 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996997" Data from Bricmont PAGEREF _Toc305996997 h 14 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996998" Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc305996998 h 15 HYPERLINK l "_Toc305996999" References PAGEREF _Toc305996999 h 17“Obama`s New War”IntroductionContinuous conflicts in the Middle East in countries such as Syria, Yemen, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt among other countries has made the whole world to be concerned (Chaneel 4, 2011). The revolution itself started in Tunisia and the same was led by the former president Mr Ben Ali. Mr Ali ruled the country without applying democracy (Foucault ,2002). Thus with Tunisia being the reference of the study, there has been calls for democracy by America and other western nations not only in Tunisia but in other parts of the worldHYPERLINK "" o "Search for more by this author" (Cheldelin, HYPERLINK "" o "Search for more by this author" Druckman &HYPERLINK "" o "Search for more by this author" Fast, 2008). Lack of democracy and ...