MARKETING: APPLE`S iPADName:Grade Course:Tutor`s Name:(Day, Month, Year)Marketing: Apple`s iPadIntroductionThe essay is a critical analysis of the recently lunched iPad (April 2010). The paper prepares a table that shows the various iPad models that are currently in the market as well as their prices. Additionally the paper seek to define iPad buyers in term of ‘heavy` and ‘light users`, assess the potential cost of ownership over the first year for each type of customer using the classification of the buyers (heavy or light). Lastly, the paper brings forth pricing method that I could use assuming that I was in charge of pricing.Technological innovation has seen to it that the life of Americans and more so of the entire human race is enjoyable, fun, educative an informative. Nevertheless, this usually comes with a price tag on it. For instance, the recently launched iPad when it comes to market was valued at $499 for the 16 GB capacity and those of higher capacity of course cot much more than their lower capacity counter parts. For this reason coupled with stiff competition, there is need for each and every organization to master marketing principles which include among other things pricing, customer (Allmang & Bruss, 2010).It is important to always remember that price of a product usually dictates whether a customer will buy or not buy a given product. It thus makes or breaks transaction and should be treated with a lot of caution. Pricing of any product or service is usually affected by a number of factors mainly the cost of production, state of competition, the relative customer value and the marketing strategy being used.Different iPad ModelsAccording to Costello, 2010 iPad has six different models with varied price tags ranginging from $499 to $829.99. Basically, there are three models based on capacity; 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.Table1 Different iPad ModelsModel/Capacity 64GB 32GB 16GB WiFi $699 $599 $499 WiFi 3G $829 $729 $629 Verrizon MiFI $829.99 $729.99 $629.99 Source: Costello, S. (2010). iPad Model and Price Comparison. of buyers (‘heavy` and ‘light`)...