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L1. Deliberate and evaluate the main theories of loss, grief and bereavement and the recognised risk factors that impact on individual and societal responses to loss
The primary theme of the paper is L1. Deliberate and evaluate the main theories of loss, grief and bereavement and the recognised risk factors that impact on individual and societal responses to loss in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
1718_Supporting People Facing Loss
Supporting People Facing Loss – NURS09179.
Summary of the Module.
Coping with loss is a universal human experience and how a person deals with their losses is set within the context of the society and culture they live in. When people experience loss related to illness or injury evidence informed guidance recognises that coping with both non-bereavement and bereavement loss, has a significant impact not only to the individual but on families, society and health and social care systems in terms of relationship issues, ill health, loss of productivity and increased use of community and mental health services. In recognition of such issues national guidance such as Shaping Bereavement Care has provided recommendations on best practice in the care of individuals facing loss to improve the overall well-being of societies and communities.
This module is aimed at all health or social professionals who may care for people facing non-bereavement and bereavement losses to enable them to provide high quality support that meets the needs of both individuals and family groups. The module will provide prospective graduates with an in-depth knowledge of loss and grief and develop a cultural awareness of the impact of loss on a range of people. The benefits of effective communication within a team approach will be discussed to enable students to acquire a sound grasp of how new understandings will impact on their practices thus allowing them to apply evidence-based solutions to the support of people facing loss regardless of their cultural background.
The syllabus includes an overview of the main theories of loss and grief before investigating how individual and collective grief affects people within their societal groups. The impact of specific types of death and the resulting grief responses will be reviewed before identifying the roles of a range of people in helping individuals and groups cope with loss. Enhancing theoretical, professional and personal knowledge should prove invaluable to those working in health and social care where there is a need to support people through loss. This in turn will allow for a more proactive multi -agency and multi-professional approach to supporting the bereaved.
This module is suitable for health and social care professionals from anywhere in the world as it allows the application of theory to practice regardless of geography or care setting. This enhances the global citizenship of students by providing a critical understanding of loss and grief in health and social care settings across the world. As this module is theoretical in content students do not need to be currently working with people experiencing loss. A workplace supervisor is not required as this a theoretical module.
Learning Outcomes.
At the end of this module the student will be able to:
L1. Deliberate and evaluate the main theories of loss, grief and bereavement and the recognised risk factors that impact on individual and societal responses to loss
L2. Appraise the impact of normal and complicated grief responses within specific groups of society
L3. Evaluate the role of the caring professional, counsellor and other helpers in providing bereavement support to individuals and groups
Assessment of Learning.
There are two categories of summative assessment in this module.
Category 1 – testing the students’ knowledge of learning outcome 1.
This assessment will form 30% of the total module mark .Please see the module timetable for the date. This is also presented later in this guidance.
The student will develop a 15 minute referenced PowerPoint presentation which demonstrates how one of William Worden’s seven mediators of grief impacts on individual grief reactions. There should be evidence that the slides would enhance the knowledge of the particular audience who would be listening to the presentation. Therefore the student should identify who the audience would be on the title slide.
In PowerPoint there is a function that allows the student to write notes under each slide. You must use the notes pages in the following ways.
The notes section for each slide should be used in two ways:
to show the reader what would be talked about in each slide
to identify the underpinning theories used to develop the slide content.
The final few slides should show the references to the theories used so the reader can see where the information presented came from. There should also be a slide of “further reading” for anyone in the audience who would like to know more. In the notesfor this slide the student should also tell the reader why they have selected these particular works for the additional information.
The presentation should be submitted through Turnitin on the due date. As Turnitin only accepts Word or PDF files you will need to save the final edition of your work as a PDF document. There are instructions in the assessment guidance section of Moodle which shows how this is done. You may also ask the class tutor for a tutorial on how to do this.
Please note once a presentation is converted into a PDF it cannot be altered and you will have to go back to your original document to make any changes.
This assessment tests the student’s knowledge of learning outcomes 1 and will form 30% of the total module mark. See the marking rubric below to see how marks are allocated for this assessment.
Category 2 - testing the students’ knowledge of learning outcomes 2 and 3.
This assessment will form 70% of the total module mark and be 2800 words in total (+10%). It will be submitted at the end of the trimester. Please see the module timetable for the date. This is also presented later in this guidance.
This will be in the form of a critical analysis of the issues related to one specific type of loss (but not the 7 mediator used in assessment 1) and cover both normal and complicated grief reactions that one person may experience when faced with this one specific loss. The assessment will also critically evaluate on the role of up to four helpers who may provide support for the person experiencing the specific loss identified and discussed previously.
In this work the student should focus on one specific type of loss covered in the module. This should not be related to a topic already covered by the student in assessment 1.
Loss through accidents;
Loss by suicide;
Loss by homicide;
Loss through an illness such as cancer or dementia – this can be the losses experienced by the dying person OR the bereaved who are left behind (but not both);
Loss of job;
Loss of a limb or sight etc.
Loss of independence,
Loss of a child by a parent;
Loss of a parent by a young child;
Loss of a parent by an adolescent;
Loss of an elderly parent in adulthood;
Loss of a spouse;
Loss of a sibling.
Remember you need to focus on one loss and one bereaved person. If there is any doubt about what this assessment should focus on please speak to your module tutor.
Throughout the work there should be a critical analysis of the issues relating to the specific loss, including a discussion on how both normal and complicated grief responses can result from the response to this loss.
The role of 3 relevant helpers should be critically evaluated in depth in relation to the specific loss to determine the type of help that would be of most benefit to those experiencing this specific loss.
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