How did the Libyan state deal with social media an

How did the Libyan state deal with social media and Internet

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How did the Libyan state deal with social media and Internet

How did lybian state deal with social media and Internet and how did the opposition use it? How did kadafis deal with social media and the Internet in past decade? Paper setup (he wants the first 5 pages of the paper to introduce you into the topic, what other scholars have to say. i.e: so and so claims this …but so and so revokes that idea because she believes…) this way he will know that your idea is original. Your thesis should not be stated any earlier than the 5th page and the rest of the essay should follow backing up your thesis. It should be an original argument. From syllabus: The Final Research Paper Your final paper should be 20-25 pages of text exclusive of front matter, end/footnotes and bibliography It must be a novel thesis that makes an argument that is supported by primary sources. It cannot be simply an observation or a narrative description. Its bibliography must have at least 10 secondary sources (at least 4 must be monographs and the remainder may be peer-reviewed scholarly sources) and 20 primary sources. It must be typed, double-spaced, with Times New Roman font size 12, with 1 inch margins. It must be formatted properly according to Chicago Manual of Style, current edition, for the Humanities. APA, ALA and CMS for the Social Sciences are not acceptable All papers must include a title page, proper foot/endnotes, and bibliography. All Hist. 490 classes adopt a particular theme or topic.  In our class, that topic is human rights in both national and international contexts.  The notion that all human beings have some fundamental rights—not to be tortured or raped for example, reflect basic moral intuitions about human needs for freedom and dignity.  In the 18th century, Enlightenment philosophers spoke of “natural rights” and in many ways, human rights are the 20th century reinvention of that 18th century tradition.  In the wake of WWII, representatives from nearly all the world`s cultures and political traditions convened to produce a statement in 1948 of common aspiration: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Though non-binding and unenforceable, the UDHR set in motion social movements in every nation of the world which have demanded civil rights and human rights of an enforceable character.  While activists on the ground, from the American South to minority-ruled South Africa, fought to be enfranchised, lawyers worked to build an international legal architecture that would hold dictators accountable for crimes committed within their own countries. The formation of an international criminal court in the 1990s is the culmination of a fifty year struggle to hold individuals accountable to a rule of law that is universal, not merely national. How did such a powerful rhetoric of human rights develop in the 20th century? Who chose to speak this language and why? These are some of the topics treated by the burgeoning field of the history of human rights.
Running head: Libyan Revolt – Use of the Social Media and the InternetHow Did The Libyan State Deal With Social Media And Internet, And How Did The Opposition Use It?Customer inserts name hereCustomer inserts Institute`s name hereCustomer inserts course instructor name hereCustomer inserts course name here02 October 2011Contents TOC o "1-3" h z u Introduction PAGEREF _Toc305303962 h 3Hypothesis PAGEREF _Toc305303963 h 10The Role of the Social Media in the Uprising PAGEREF _Toc305303964 h 10Gaddafi`s Use of the Social Media PAGEREF _Toc305303965 h 16Use of Social Media by the Opposition PAGEREF _Toc305303966 h 18Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc305303967 h 19Works Cited PAGEREF _Toc305303968 h 22IntroductionThe crisis in the Middle East has taken the world by surprise. Even though this crisis has not been the result of a sudden whim, but in fact has been an eruption resulting from years of simmering resent and oppression at the hands of authoritarian rulers.The case of Libya is therefore no such anomaly as Gaddafi has been in power of nearly 42 years and in this time of apparent stability, there many infringes against human rights and against the population.Gaddafi came into power after a coup nearly 42 years ago, through which he overthrew King Iris I. During his ensure Gaddafi introduced laws and regulations which were in accordance with his ideology and while the law said that he was only a ceremonial head and that the country would be ruled by people`s ministers, he was in fact the controller of the entire country. This is because he had very skillfully appointed people from his own tribe or from tribes that were loyal to him, and in this manner he accrued their goodwill, and through these puppets controlled the masses.This kind of unilateral power helped Gaddafi amass much wealth without paying much attention to the infrastructure of the country and at the same time kept the military weak in order to maintain his rule over the country.In light of such a backdrop there are several reasons cited by scholars regarding the reasons for occurrence of such a wide spread revolt, which convinced people to lay down their lives for freedom of expression, something which has never been granted to them ever before.Where did this realization in come about? If the country was isolated from the rest of the world, then this question would have indeed been puzzling, but with globalization and technological progress being rampant, people have gained awareness about how people are living in other parts of the world. In fact one can say that technological advances and globalization have progressed hand in hand with globalization fueling the demand for communication technology. And this in turn has been the key in how the world has been connected.Considering the case of the media in particular, this paper is focusing on studying how the media has been a way to communicate cultural values and norms. The way in which the global culture has been shaped has b...
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