Highway projects need analysis and design of vario

Highway projects need analysis and design of various sections of the road network. As a highway engineer, you have been asked to perform the tasks outlined below according to the standards specified by Ministry of Highway and Transport Engineering in UK. You will have to conduct comprehensive design tasks for this project, requiring feasibility study, design and construction of a vertical curve road.

The primary theme of the paper is Highway projects need analysis and design of various sections of the road network. As a highway engineer, you have been asked to perform the tasks outlined below according to the standards specified by Ministry of Highway and Transport Engineering in UK. You will have to conduct comprehensive design tasks for this project, requiring feasibility study, design and construction of a vertical curve road. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $349 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

1-   project, report and presentation 25%


Project Submission Date: 16/05/2018

Tasks Detailed Brief:

Project Task 1

Highway projects need analysis and design of various sections of the road network. As a highway engineer, you have been asked to perform the tasks outlined below according to the standards specified by Ministry of Highway and Transport Engineering in UK.

You will have to conduct comprehensive design tasks for this project, requiring feasibility study, design and construction of a vertical curve road.

Your project’s design model should include:

  • Vertical Curves design- Vertical curves are parabolic curves used to achieve a gradual change between tangent grades (G1 and G2) and may be either a crest curve or a sag curve as shown in Exhibit 1.


Exhibit 1.  Types of Vertical Curves


  • Crest Vertical Curves Stopping Sight Distance Design- Using the general equations for calculating the minimum length of crest vertical curves based on the required sight distance and the algebraic difference in grade.


  • Crest Vertical Curve Passing Sight Distance- Design values of crest vertical curves for passing sight distance differ from those for crest stopping sight distance because of the different sight distance and object height criteria.  The required passing sight distance for various design speeds can be obtained from Table 1 shown below.



Table 1.  Passing Sight Distance for Design of Two-Land Highways


  • Horizontal Curve Design- Provides a transition between two tangent lengths of roadway. Sample horizontal curve as shown in  



Design Consideration parameters:

Your design of roadway curves should be based on an appropriate relationship between design speed and curvature and on their joint relationships with superelevation and side friction.

Project Task 2

A CSS (County Surveyors` Society) study has highlighted the need for improved design guidance for mini-roundabouts that would allow improvements to be made in the selection of sites and the design of existing and proposed junctions. Traffic Management Division also believes that improved design guidance is required in this area. Mini-roundabouts are increasingly being used in schemes where traffic calming measures are being introduced. There is little design guidance and schemes often attract complaints from the public.

To provide technical input and design and advice on mini-roundabout design, you will have to conduct comprehensive design tasks for this project, requiring feasibility study, design and construction of mini roundabout. Sample mini-roundabout sketch as shown in Exhibit 3.


   Exhibit 3 Sample mini-roundabout

Design Consideration parameters:

Design of mini roundabout as a common form of junction in the UK is currently based on inconsistency in the application of the junction type, a degree of confusion regarding the safety and suitability in some locations and an apparent lack of awareness of regulations.


 Your project’s design model should include:

  • Research and data collection- A technical review of material relating to the design and use of mini roundabouts, their accident record and associated infrastructure and street furniture.
  • Use of mini-roundabouts to improve the operation of a junction by:


Reducing the dominance of one traffic flow

Giving priority to right turners

       Facilitating access and reducing delay at side roads

      Improving capacity at overloaded junctions


  • Reducing speed limit
  • Provide adequate forward visibility of the junction.
  • Traffic composition (e.g. percentage of lorries, buses, etc)

You will be marked on:

  1. Quality of design tasks for your project. 10%
  2. Factors covered and design considerations 10%
  3.  Correct selected design model and tasks, critical evaluation of Highway and transportation analysis and control, interpretation of collected information.   50%
  4. Drawings, Maps and Sketch 10%
  5. Conclusions  10%
  6. Correct use of references. 10%


You will need to submit:

A written report which should contain your calculations, graphs, and drawings in clear and readable format.


  1. Plagiarism is a serious offence. In case of any plagiarism detected, penalty will be imposed leading to zero mark.
  2. Course work and reports should be solved by the individual/group.
  3. Course work and reports should be submitted on time and submission after deadline will be marked zero.
  4. Course work should be submitted with an appropriate cover page.
  5. Name, student identification and title of the course work to be written clearly and legibly on the cover page.
  6. The completed course work is to be submitted to the departmental assistant on or before the deadline and record your name, date of submission and signature in the book with the departmental assistant.
  7. Understand the theoretical background for analyzing and designing of various highway engineering elements.
  8. Understanding and analysis of the topic- This is the way in which students analyze/ examine the factual information and interpret the solutions will add value to the answer (this could be in the form of conclusions, solutions, recommendations, etc.).
  9. The structure in terms of logic and coherence- Submissions should have a clear start and a clear end for each task. Information within submissions should also be logical and well grouped. Solutions to the analytical tasks should be presented stepwise with a clear answer at the end. Proper referencing and in text citations should be done wherever applicable.
  10. Intellectual and transferable skill:
  • Use of scientific principles for engineering solutions
  • Ability to select appropriate analytical tools
  • Knowledge of data gathered from site and different source.


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