Global Perspectives on Special Educational Needs and Inclusion
The primary theme of the paper is Global Perspectives on Special Educational Needs and Inclusion in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $149 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Global Perspectives on Special Educational Needs and Inclusion - MSLMD3GPS
By the end of this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the cultural relativism and ethnocentrism ( work against ethnocentrisim, as what it says is Britain does it best and everyone else must follow, perceived leaders in the world.) and apply them to global issues of inequality. -
2. Evaluate critical case studies and reflect upon the human rights agenda and social justice.
3. Communicate in rigorous academic debate the issues surrounding inclusion as philosophical principle and consider the political, ideological and economic forces that influence global definitions of inclusion and the impact this may have on societies globally.
4. Apply knowledge of theories of labelling and categorisation to examine inclusive discourses of cross cultural educational practices.
Part A: Case Study Analysis
Choose one country from anywhere in the world and explain SEN and inclusion within this context. Critique the key challenges and good practices within an understanding of the social, historical and political context. Ensure you present only the key issues. Draw on relevant literature and evidence where this available, to support your arguments.
Necessary information would include:
- Educational policies
- Political standpoint
- Political climate- turmoil
- Areas for improvement
- Main industry
- Religion
- Teaching
- Views of SEN
- Vision for social policy and development UN Web site page
- Relationship to the Salamanca Statement/ UN statements
- National Curriculum and impact on identification of special needs
- Statistics
- How many children are in special provision
- How many are in mainstream?
- Age they start school?
- Recommendations- contrast with UK and their own direction forward
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