Global Energy Outlook for Sinopec Corp. (Chinese N

Global Energy Outlook for Sinopec Corp. (Chinese NOC)

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Global Energy Outlook for Sinopec Corp. (Chinese NOC)

I am requesting the writer that did 23105 paper. Their work was very good and they understand the industry. I need the writer to concentrat on the Stage 1 and 2 of the below instructions and I will do Stage 3. This is a MBA class and I would like to request this writer for all future work. The company that I have have been assigned is Sinopec corp. One of China`s NOC`s (National Oil Companies). please let me know if the writer has any questions or concerns. This assignment set the challenge of asking you to provide an informed analysis of a company that was not your own or even in your area of the energy industry. You were then asked to discuss the company`s sector in the energy industry and finally how the company might evolve if the world followed a set of scenarios over the period until 2020 or 2050. All that in a succinct style suitable for discussion at board level. What`s also evident is that many of you took the opportunity of this assignment to gain an understanding of performance in an unfamiliar area, get under the skin of PR‐speak in annual reports and think creatively about what the future may hold for these companies. Many of the reports gave a concise and insightful summary of their companies` activities, performance and near term strategies. The sectoral discussions often did a great job in highlighting challenges faces by areas of the industry and the scenario discussions included some creative (but possible!) paths for that the companies might follow. Stage 1 (Company Analysis) Comments here echo the suggestions and feedback given earlier in the course or in 2009: • Better reports combined information from a variety of references that included critical perspectives (analysts` reports, financial press, etc.) rather than just company literature. Company literature tends to be positive about everything, very easy for a reader to spot if you copy it and means you are not developing your own, critical view! • You need to avoid collecting a set of comments taken from various places and then shuffling them into some order. When you have done your research, step back, think what you want to say and write your own perspective. • Better reports succeeded in discussing both financial and operational/non‐financial measures, demonstrating that they understood how the operational activities of their firm lead to financial performance. However, a significant number of reports could have done this better; understanding “non‐financials” means more than quoting the safely statistics. • Better reports included not just appropriate comments on how the company had fared in the global recession but whether that performance had been better/worse than peers/markets. Recessions are time when relative performance can more clearly be seen. In weak reports, the recession was barely mentioned! • Better reports combined a good summary of strategy (not just a mission statement) with a discussion of actions taken and investments made or planned. Looking at capital investment plans tells you a lot in the energy industry. This demonstrated that you`d really understood what the company was trying to do and often meant that the sector and scenario discussions were better because of that understanding. SWOT tables were sometimes used, which is fine as long as you then went on to discuss what the company was doing about it! One skill people often say they developed significantly during their MBA is “critical thinking”: blending qualitative and quantitative information, subjective and objective perspectives to be clear on what is known and not known. Many of the reports made a good start in this and ways to strengthen this skill will occur as the course continues. Stage 2 (Sectoral Perspective) Other NOC`s (Gazpom RUS, Statoil (Norway, Petrobras Brazil, PEMEX MEX, Rosneft RUS, PetroChina China, CNOOC China, PDVSA Venezulela, ONGC India) The effectiveness of this section varied considerably: some reports contained a very effective iscussion of the company in the context of its sector and then that sector`s role in the industry. Others tended to restate the comments made about the company as general issues for their sector sometimes neglecting different approaches being taken across their sector or not iscussing the challenges similar strategies represent. Some reports took a very broad perspective (all renewable energy, all oil & gas) and others a more focus view (unconventional gas). Both could be successful as long as you had researched good information, chosen a good peer group and made insightful comments rather than repeated generalities. Future modules in the MBA will look at competition, competitive advantage and key success actors in further detail. Understanding why some companies succeed in their sector/industry is often complex and subtle – and a very useful skill to learn. Stage 3 (Future Scenarios): In most cases, there was a good understanding of the scenarios and so an interesting discussion of the different paths each company could take. Good reports combined actions in the near term with thoughtful and creative changes over the timescale of the scenarios. Where the Sectoral discussion included a good understanding of what competitive advantages the company has, these acted as a good starting point for their responses to the scenarios. Weaker reports looked at the scenarios as a snapshot and evaluated them in comparison to the company`s current activities and strategy. The timescales of the scenarios are such that significant evolutions in company activities could take place and a point of scenario planning is for management to consider how they might have to respond, not which they`d prefer! Energy Industry Insights: As I read this very broad review of the industry there are always some interesting points or themes that come up. Some we have covered in lessons, some not. Here are some for us to think about as we progress through the course: • In past years, the strategies of mid‐sized power companies have looked similar but the pressures from the recession have led to some interesting and different views of the future. Many are considering the links between different sources of energy and different markets more. • The increasing importance of gas, in many dimensions. • Last year I commented on the risks of “strategic hell” in several sectors (e.g. wind manufacturers). Groups of companies enjoying growth in an expanding market who were suddenly facing a downturn with little differentiation between them and so a “crowded space”. This has played out and illustrated the risks of being focussed , as well where clear differentiation can help • The challenges posed by “transition fuels” where growth is needed in capacity such as gas and coal – but only for a period if one subscribes to climate concerns. • The value of being a national company or a national champion across all parts of the industry as the overall energy landscape is less a question of free markets due to shifts in global demand. • Many of you assume that oil and gas companies will have to get into renewables at some point. There are different paths for this. This is an interesting observation as many international companies have stepped back their involvement, except in biofuels. Length & Referencing There were no penalties applied for length or referencing but there were several comments which you need to bear in mind for future assignments: • People who had researched their areas well and had references reflecting different perspectives generally had no problems writing a good report within the word limit as their research meant they had prioritised what to talk about and what to say. Conversely, limited research sometimes led to a more rambling discussion of topics with varying importance! • Most discussion papers presented to company boards are around this length (or shorter!) and it is a writing style that differs from technical reports or academic papers. I realise it`s a new style for some of you but it`s one of the skills to learn from doing the MBA. The emphasis is on discussing the important points, not reviewing all aspects. • Not everyone used the preferred referencing format of inserting (Smith, 2009) in the text and then alphabetical list at the end, including web‐links where appropriate. • In some cases, data was inconsistent, out of context or from sources that have a certain agenda/opinion. As this assignment deliberately put you in a new area, I did not take issue with this but you should weed out such errors and ensure robust data in future assignments. Feedback in the future We are very conscious that this is your first major assignment in the programme. We have aimed to provide a fair amount of explanation while you were completing the assignment and also provide comprehensive individual and overall feedback. While future courses will continue to ensure you have a very clear idea of what your assessed work will be, both the description and feedback will be more concise!
Global Energy Outlook for Sinopec Corporation (Your name) (Course instructor) (Course title) (Date of submission)  Company Overview Sinopec Corporation or China Petroleum Corporation is a petro chemical organization that was established in 1998. The government of China, which holds most of its shares, owns the company. The capital of this Corporation which has an estimated capital of RMB 182 billion is placed at Beijing. The company utilizes its investor`s rights on related government assets that are owned by its own subsidiaries, share holding companies as well as other controlling firms. Some of the company`s rights include decision-making processes, receiving returns on its assets, and appointment of management workforce. The company operates, supervises and manages state assets in accordance to specific laws of the land. In addition, it also shoulders the resultant responsibility of upholding and increasing the state asset`s value. The main activities and operations of this entity include exploration, industrial investment and the management of investments, transportation and storage of oil products, production, comprehensive use of gas and oil products, marketing aspects, designing, construction and installation of petrochemical and petroleum equipments, and oil refining. Other activities include research, application and consulting devices of technology, import and export of commodities and manufacturing of mechanical and electrical equipments (SINOPEC, 2012). Sinopec is presently listed in both domestic and international stock exchange with midstream, downstream and upstream operations involving oil and petroleum products. At its inception back in 2000, the Corporation issued more than 17 billion shares in New York, Hong Kong and London stock exchanges. At the end of that year, the total number of shares in the company was 87 billion, 76% of which were held by Sinopec group. China Petroleum Corporation or Sinopec is the largest supplier and producer of refined oil products in China. It is also a major operator in petrochemical products such as, synthetic fiber monomers, synthetic resin, polymers, synthetic rubber, chemical fertilizers as well as other intermediates. Moreover, it is considered the largest crude oil producer in China. Oil Exploration & Production The company`s oil and gas exploration prospects are mainly located in South, west and East of China. In the year 2012, the company had acquired more than 300 licenses for exploration prospects in several parts of the country. These prospects covered more than 966,800 km2. There are a total of 12 subsidiaries in its gas and oil production including Northwest Company, Shengli Oilfield Company, Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Henan Oilfield Company, Southwest Oil & Gas Company, North China Company, Jianghan Oilfield Company, China East Company, Shanghai gas and Oil Company, and Exploration Southern Company. In the year 2012, the company generated a substantive ac...
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