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Evaluate the Sources of Finance utilised by a company of your choice and provide recommendations and advice on how they could improve business and profit through the use of contemporary sources of finance.
The primary theme of the paper is Evaluate the Sources of Finance utilised by a company of your choice and provide recommendations and advice on how they could improve business and profit through the use of contemporary sources of finance. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $179 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Assessment Marking Sheet
FdA Hospitality FT & DR/ FdA Tourism Management/ FdA Business Management
Student Name
Assessment No:
Module Level:
Module Tutor:
1 of 1
Assessment Method:
Date of submission:
Financial Management
Blog & Report.
Blog – weekly (Task 1)
Report – 2 500 words (Task 2)
Learning outcomes assessed:
Analyse the suitability of various forms of finance
Critically evaluate the business performance of quoted corporate bodies.
Skills Mapped:
As listed in the course handbook.
Assessment Criteria
Areas of Improvement
Task 1 - Evaluate the business performance of a chosen quoted company (listed on the London Stock Exchange) LO 3.
Task 2 - Analyse the sources of finance used by a chosen company and consider how this impacts on their performance. LO 1.
Presentation and Formatting – Use of English language (spelling, grammar). Technicianship of referencing to house style. Appropriateness of presentation, layout and length.
Total mark out of 100%
Assignment Brief
There are 2 tasks to complete for the assessment of this module.
Task 1
The performance of a business is influenced by numerous factors inside and outside the organisation. You are required to select a Hospitality, Tourism or Business related company that is listed on the London Stock Exchange (including the Alternative Investment Market). Over the semester, from weeks 4 – 13 you will complete a BLOG that diarises the ongoing activities of your company.
Your blog should include:
An overview of the chosen company;
Consideration should also be given to the PESTEL factors affecting the current business climate;
A SWOT analysis of the company
An analysis of the competitive advantage with some recommendations
Media coverage in relation to the company and how it may have impacted their performance (particularly share price) and the future outlook for the company;
Performance analysis (using ratios);
Consideration to share prices and a FTSE index of your choice;
You will need to keep a weekly log of the share price on a particular day in order to conduct a performance analysis on your chosen company.
The blog should be updated on a weekly basis (250 words per week). You will need to write in third person using suitable in-text referencing, referencing any underpinning theory.
Task 2
You are required to submit a 2500 word report, based on a company of your choice (it does not have to be the same as task 1) entitled:
Evaluate the Sources of Finance utilised by a company of your choice and provide
recommendations and advice on how they could improve business and profit
through the use of contemporary sources of finance.
Marks will be awarded based on:
Structure of report;
Use of underpinning theory & appropriate in text referencing;
Content of report and ability to critically evaluate the company, sources of finance & make appropriate recommendations.
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