Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system
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Enhancing Business Processes using Enterprise Information system
- What arc (‘or ‘ I .
‘D’ c lU’lnC~’i procc),c’”
6 Contrast
, terl·lall)’ and externally focued 1
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- I., 1 ra’>t order-to-ca ..h. . procure-to-pav•
1l.I”c-to-h)ck . d ~
3 WI’ .•In make-to-order business processes.
. ., id contrast customized and pac], to .,1 ‘
- Compare ..II • , .’ ‘ c:-Cu sor
vanilla verSions versus best praCht”” b lll.”t
“‘- :te(j
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an !UPpOrt activities of a value chain?
software. .
- , IIf’Can e.x’ aml,1 ~ of Upstream and downstream
- What are the core components o~ ~n E~P ~}”tell)?
the keys to successful!) IInplementino
t> an
- DC~cribc what· .
. erucrpnse systems arc and how they have
~Sel~f-S–tud–y –Q–ues–tio–ns ————————–~
l.. . are information systems that allow cornpa- nics to mtcgrnn, information and support operations on u company-wide basis.
- Customcr relationship management systems
- Enterprise systems
- Wtdc area networks
- Interorganizational systems
- Which processes arc most often ~
based manufllcturing of products. A. make-to-order processes
- make-IO-stock processes
- procure-to-pay processes
- order-to-cash processes
8 Information systems that focus on supporting funer
- Which of the following is a core activity according to the
- areas, business processes, an d d “
value chain model? A. firm infrasuucrurc B. Customer service C. human resources D. procurement
- According to the value chain model, which of the follow- ing is a support activity?
- technology development
- marketing and sales
- inbound logistics
- operations and manufacturing
- All of the following are true about legacy systems except
organization are referred to as . n
- legacy systems
- enterprise-wide information systems
- interorganizational systems
- internally focused systems
- An enterprise system that has not been CUstomized is commonly referred to as .
- a vanilla version
- a root version
- a core version
- none of the above
- is a systematic, structured improvement a .
proach by all or part 0 f an
that criticallv
- they are stand-alone systems
- they are older software systems
- they are ERP systems
- they may be difficult to integrate into other systems
- The processes associated with obtaining goods from ex- ternal vendors are referred to as _
- make-to-order processes B. make-to-stock processes C. procure-to-pay processes D. order-to-cash processes
- The processes associated with selling a product or service are referred to as _
- make-to-order processes B. make-to-stock processes C. procure-to-pay processes D. order-to-cash processes
examines, rethinks, and redesigns processes in orde; to achieve dramatic improvements in one or more perfor- mance measures, such as quality, cycle time, Or cost.
- Systems analysis
- Business process management
- Customer relationship management
- Total quality management
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