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The primary theme of the paper is Education has the potential to `free` marginalised groups? in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Essay title: Education has the potential to `free` marginalised groups? Critically discuss the educational challenges experienced by one of the marginalised groups examined in the module. Consider the work of Paulo Freire and decide whether his theory (or another`s) is best suited for your argument.Marginalised group to be examined: Pregnant school girls The main theoretical lens that needs to be used is Paulo Freire (1921-1997). And is this theory or another best suited for your argument, this needs to be in much depth, as Freire is the main theory for this module. Key terms linked to this theory: The Banking concept: Traditional educationMonologueDidacticNot neutralAbstract conceptsPassive learnerDehumanizationReproductionAlienation of those who are not winnersCritical Pedagogy: New pedagogic styleEducation to liberateDialogicalProblem-posingActive learnerNot neutralTransformationHumanizationPraxis‘Conscientizaçao’ or ‘Conscientization (empoewering individuals, personal and social transformation). Terms and ideas relating to young and pregnant girls: Dilemma of difference Recognition/ non-recognition Helpful/ unhelpful Responses and impacts Helped or hindered Equal/ special treatment Stigma Support Freire (potential words to be included): Relevent Marginalised Alienated Empowering Understand ways to transeend marginalisation/ oppression. Develop critical consciousness/ their oppression.
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