Lung Treatment Research Name: Institution: Group one Mean= 11 Median = 9 Mode =9 Range = 45-3 =42 Standard deviation = 11.52389 Group two Mean =11 Median=9 Mode=9 Range= 17-3 =14 Standard deviation=5.19615 MEMO To: Members of the Board From: Director of Operations Date: September 19, 2013 Subject: Lung Treatment Research Funding Reviews and Recommendation As a part of the lung treatment program that has been running at the two of the company`s labs some results have been obtained, with regard to the number of the patients that felt better under the different treatments. The figures were forwarded from the labs which are same one that have been indicated on the table of comparison that I have attached on the memo. They indicate the number of the patients that felt better after receiving the treatment amongst that many other that had volunteered to take part in the exercise. From the standard deviation of the two labs, I would recommend that the funds be forwarded to the second Lab as it has the data that indicates more consistency. Considering that this is a treatment it is important that the results are consistent throughout if they are going to be used on the larger population, to...