Running head: Involvement purchase HIGH AND LOW INVOLVEMENT PURCHASE THROUGH THE PRODUCT DECISION MAKING PROCESS University: TUI University Course number: MKT301 Module one: High and Low Involvement Case High involvement: Cadbury`s chocolate Low involvement: Energy saver fluorescent light bulb Name Instructor Date High and low involvement products selection The product`s market always comprises of various categories of products and services, which can be grouped according to their quality, brands etc. There are two main categories of goods depending on the type of purchase involvement. In my opinion, I selected Cadbury`s chocolate, a food product to be the high involvement purchase product. Involvement level is the condition which the consumers have the freedom to choose products from the market according to the products importance and their preferences. High involvement purchase products are those that have a higher level of risk in the market due to the large variety of brands of related products. Therefore, the Cadbury`s chocolate is a high performance product since chocolate is a high involvement purchase product because, in the prevailing market, it is exposed to high competition risks due to presence of products like, coffee, tea leaves, Milo, cocoa chocolates and others. Low involvement purchase products are those that are not exposed to a lot of risks and for others the consumers may not have varieties of options to choose from. The light bulb is refer...