Define and evaluate the problems of managing corpo

Define and evaluate the problems of managing corporate growth and expansion within a small or start-up business;

The primary theme of the paper is Define and evaluate the problems of managing corporate growth and expansion within a small or start-up business; in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $129 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

   Faculty of Management


Assignment Brief


Programme: Various Undergraduate Programmes

Level:  6

Unit Name:   Small Business Management


Assignment Marker: 

Individual/Pair/Trio assignment

Assignment Title:  Business Plan

Feedback method: electronic/oral as appropriate

Word Guide: 3,500


Issue date:  25th September 2017

Submission date:           Friday 8th December 2017  at 12.00 noon*


*In accordance with University regulations any coursework submitted after the due deadline will be regarded as late and awarded a mark of 0%.


Weighting of this assignment:

(as % of total coursework assessment for the unit)



It is your responsibility to be aware of University Regulations relating to academic offences and to avoid committing them.  The BU definitions and the penalties are listed in: Academic Offences: Policy & Procedure for Taught Awards

If you are unable to submit your assignment on time due to medical or other mitigating circumstances you must complete a Mitigating Circumstances form PRIOR to the deadline and submit it for approval.

Assignment Rationale

As in real life students have a range of discretion in doing this assignment.

The assignment has a word guide of 3,500 word  – this fits with real world practice and leaves the level of detail and organisation in the hands of the reports’ author(s). Those seeking tight guidelines need only to use the word guide as the limit.

The assignment can be completed individually, as a pair or as a trio. All students named on the assignment will receive the awarded marks irrespective of any difference in contribution – real or perceived! Default is simple – individual work. The rationale for this is that singly one has all the work but then all the control whereas with multiple authors workload is shared but elements of management, delegation and coordination are introduced.

Students can also choose the ‘appraisal’ of their business plan – either by the authors themselves through a written critique or by a face-to-face viva with the tutor team.

Business plans are a key part of business life (and not simply in ‘for profit’ organisations and are used especially in entrepreneurial settings or ones where funds or ‘support’ from stakeholders is concerned. This assignment therefore is designed to give students a taste of a real world application and a chance for those seriously considering running their own business to get ‘critical friend’ feedback.



Assignment – All students will produce a Business Plan. Students can then choose to complete either a written critique (review) of their plan or to defend their business plan in a viva.

Students can choose  to complete this assessment and its constituent parts, individually, as a pair or trio of their choice


50% of unit marks:  Word Guide 3,500 words


An Executive Summary should be included.

Monthly cash flow and profit forecast projections should be included for the first 3 years of trading.

Student should make it clear who the business plan is being written for.

It should also be clear what the individual author(s) involvement is in the proposed business.


Upon graduation, you are planning to set up a services or leisure tourism based business.

Prepare a Business Plan, relating to this business proposal, to present to a financial provider, business advisor or approving body, of your choice.            

Support your plan with appropriate information including a simple presentation of financial information covering the finance required for start up, early stages and future growth; demonstrating profitability, liquidity and if appropriate return on investment.



Learning Outcomes

This assignment will assess the students ability to:

  1. Analyse the special needs of those running a small business;
  2. Critically appraise the issues involved in starting a small business; 
  3. Assess and critically evaluate the factors that contribute to the success of a small business;
  4. Define and evaluate the problems of managing corporate growth and expansion within a small or start-up business;
  5. Appreciate the sources of finance available to small businesses and critically appraise the appropriateness of these sources in an organisational context;
  6. Evaluate the factors, both financial and non-financial, which contribute to small business success and failure.


Indicative Assessment Criteria :

An assignment that provides no evidence of relevant reading or research and simply expresses the authors’ unsubstantiated views will not achieve a pass grade.

A good assignment will provide a well-presented, well-argued and well-researched case for the authors’ views.

An excellent assignment will show evidence of extensive reading and thorough research, demonstrating an understanding of the market place; coupled with an excellent appreciation of the key elements around the business proposition, through a systematic approach to its critical analysis.

 Marking criteria (for business plan)

30%     Presentation and Discussion of business idea 

30%     Presentation of business operation  

20%     Supporting Financial and Other information 

10%     Clarity and coverage of Executive Summary 

10%     Overall Presentation and Style   

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