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Home Solutions Critically examine the relationship and the need for compatibility between corporate and functional management policies
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The primary theme of the paper is Critically examine the relationship and the need for compatibility between corporate and functional management policies in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $109 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
Details:1- critically examine the relationship and the need for compatibility between corporate and functional management policies2- analyse the internal and external influences on corporate objectives and strategy3-demonstrate the need for flexibility in strategic management and the practical limits of qualitifying corporate strategy.Task:This assignment requires students to conduct a startegic analysis of the both the internal and external environment relating to how a Sainsbury`s operates in the retail business sector. Students are required to examine the strategic choices facing this organisation and evaluate these choices as to their suitability , acceptability and feasibility. Students should also provide a critique of contemporary strategic management research and practice within the report.Strategic Report to Board of Directors.( structure of report in attached file)Marking criteria:-High level of knowledge and understanding of the given concepts and frameworks of strategic management evident in accurate analysis and identification of strategic capabilities and macro-environmental factors of the selected company-shows an awarness of the ambiguities andlimitations of knowlegde evident in the evaluation of the strenghts and weaknesses of the given strategic management frameworks-high standad of critical analysis on future strategic choices of the company evident in consistency and logical line of reasoning in recommendations. Future strategic choices are justified clearly and logically. all the evidence provided within report.-Clearly structured and logically developed content-Good evaluation and synthensis of sources.-Substantial evidence of well-executed independent research evident through a bibliographical analysis, up-to-date information-relevant data and examples, all properly referenced-successful application of Harvard Referencing throughout-consistent analysis and evaluation of sources-good presentation skills evident in format and structure-technology skills that contribute to effective execution of referencing, heading/subheadings and table of content-high ethical standards evident in exellent implementation of referencing-research , discovery, and information retrieval skills and a general capacity to use information evident in refined content from external sources through paraphrasing and summarising -analytical skills evident in applying the given frameworks in a real life situation-the capacity for critical, conceptual and reflective thinking evident in arguments developed and recommendations-decision-making in complex and unpredictable context evident in consistent and logically reasoned future strategy analysis of the company.
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