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Critically assess the view that shareholders in the target company gain more in the short and medium term compared to shareholders in the acquiring company. Your answers should include relevant examples.
The primary theme of the paper is Critically assess the view that shareholders in the target company gain more in the short and medium term compared to shareholders in the acquiring company. Your answers should include relevant examples. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $269 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
MSc and Postgraduate Certificate in Professional` Accountancy
Global Issues for the Finance Professional [PAM100]
Section 1
There is one requirement in this section. Your response to the requirement should be between 4,000 and 4,800 words. Penalties apply for exceeding the word count. No formal penalties apply for using fewer than 4,000 words but in so doing you may be penalizing yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the requirement in less than 4,000 words.
Tasks and requirements
There are two sections. Submit both within one document. Each section should have its own set of references. Section 1 This part is weighted at 80% of marks available for this project assignment, contributing a maximum of 40% of the total marks available for this module. There is one requirement in this section. Your response to the requirement should be between 4,000 and 4,800 words. Penalties apply for exceeding the word count. No formal penalties apply for using fewer than 4,000 words but in so doing you may be penalizing yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the requirement in less than 4,000 words. State an accurate word count at the end of this Part. Failure to do so will result in 5 marks being deducted from your score.
Critically assess the view that shareholders in the target company gain more in the short and medium term compared to shareholders in the acquiring company. Your answers should include relevant examples. Your conclusions should review the “who gains” and “who loses” in the short, medium and longer terms and whether the gains, if they exist, are found in all cases. In responding to this requirement, you should certainly refer to relevant MPAcc materials as appropriate. You are encouraged to also draw upon other materials, as appropriate, from journal articles and/or business reports and/or news reports.
Section 2
There is one requirement in this section. Your response to the requirement must be between 1,200 and 2,000 words. Penalties apply for exceeding the word count. No formal penalties apply for using fewer than 2,000 words but in so doing you may be penalizing yourself as it is likely to be challenging to respond to the requirement in less than 2,000 words
Context and Requirement Context
“It is fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure” –Bill Gates
Self-reflection can be used to understand where you are, what you are doing and where you are going given the current learning you have. It will also help you to develop yourself in terms of professional work environment and it will help your leadership abilities in terms of driving individuals and the firm in which you work.
Reflection is important within educational experiences. A reflective statement is a statement that captures thoughts about, perceptions of, a past experience, such as that you have experienced in your study of this module. They help us to understand past events and associated experiences and to learn lessons. Having written a reflective statement, it is then possible to analyse it and draw lessons about future decisions, behaviour and actions. Such a statement can focus on the consequences of the educational experience for work-related decisions, behaviour and actions, not least in the arena of confirming or amending professional work practices. Reflection is more than just description – if we are faced with a recurring situation what would we do differently the second time around given what we have learnt from the first time we encountered the situation.
Look back over your studies in this GIFP module made up of six themes. Identify any two ideas from within the six themes, ideas which you feel are relevant to work practice, be that previous work, and/or current work, and/or work you aspire to. Justify the ideas identified for inclusion in your list of two. It may be appropriate to identify ideas which are perhaps very new to you and/or ideas which although you were already familiar with, your studies have thrown new light on them, prompting new insights.
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