BAISD Unit 10: History and Theory 3 (Consolidation

BAISD Unit 10: History and Theory 3 (Consolidation)

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Unit Description BAISD Unit 10: History and Theory 3 (Consolidation) Project Brief 2017/18 Raven Row, Contemporary Art Exhibition Centre, Spitalfields, 6a architects (2009) Available at: Chelsea College of Arts Interior and Spatial Design: History and Theory 2017/18 Assessment Overview There are two tasks for this unit’s assessment: A 6,000 word Dissertation and a 1,500 - 2,000 word Precedent Report. The break down of elements is as follows: Dissertation = 75% of final grade for Unit 10 Precedent Report = 25% of final grade for Unit 10 Unit 10 is worth 33.3% of your final degree result. The 6,000 word Dissertation must be academically referenced with bibliography. The topic, which will have been agreed with a supervisor, will explore an area of particular relevance to your own personal interests and the discipline of Interior and Spatial Design. A full draft of the Dissertation is submitted for tutorial comment in the first term of Stage 3, after which the final version is written. The second task is the Precedent Report, for which you will analyse the work of one practitioner, as a precedent that informs your design practice. You will provide a full visual and textual description of the works you choose to analyse and provide detailed evidence of how they influence your practice. The Precedent Report should take the form of an illustrated academic submission of 1,500-2,000 words, and should be fully referenced and captioned. Unit Aims - Research, develop and write a 6,000 word Dissertation that explores a topic that you have chosen, which connects to Interior and Spatial Design. - Produce a 1,500 - 2,000 Precedent Report which looks at the work of an artist/ designer of your choosing, which informs your design practice. - Demonstrate sustained, systematic critical research using relevant resources. - Use appropriate methods of analysis, enquiry and experimentation - Demonstrate the distinction between your own ideas and those of others through the use of Harvard Referencing. Task 1 Dissertation (6,000 words) Overview and Instructions You are required to research, write and develop a 6,000 word Dissertation. Overall, Unit 10 counts towards 33.3% of your final degree grade. The Dissertation will count towards 75% of the grade for Unit 10. This extended piece of academic writing is intended to deepen your knowledge of the subject area and develop your skills of critical and theoretical thinking. When executed properly, a Dissertation will challenge your previously held assumptions about the subject and change the way you think about your design decisions in your final year of work. This detailed brief is to be read in conjunction with BA ISD Unit 10 Assessment Brief and the Student Dissertation Handbook, available on Moodle > BA ISD > Unit 10 > Dissertation Brief. These briefing documents are written to support your preparation for the work, so please read them carefully - they will save you time and effort in the long term. The research, development and writing of the Dissertation begins at the end of Stage 2 and you are required to submit the final work at the start of Term 2, Stage 3. See below for a breakdown of the required phases of work. You will be assigned a tutor who will guide your work, although you will take ultimate responsibility for the quality of the work, making sure feedback is addressed and meeting all deadlines. 2 of 6 Chelsea College of Arts Interior and Spatial Design: History and Theory 2017/18 Task 2 Precedent Report (1,500 - 2,000 words) Overview During Units 6 and 7 for Design Practice you visited a number of buildings across the capital, guided through structures, construction, textures, materiality and detailing to contemplate the ways designers realise their point of view in space. The Precedent Report is an opportunity to reflect upon these visits alongside your own, self initiated architecture and building studies on other places/exhibitions etc to articulate your design voice in relation to a contemporary practitioner, practice, collective or movement you find inspiring. You will discuss the Precedent Report with your assigned Dissertation Supervisor. They will be the primary point of contact for all inquiries about the work and will assess your work. However, you are also welcome to consult your DRS tutors in relation to this task as it should have a relationship with your design projects. Instructions The Precedent Report should take the form of an illustrated academic submission of 1,500-2,000 words and should use Harvard Referencing. Once you have chosen the artist, designer or collective you wish to study as the focus of your precedent report, you are to required to break down the research into three parts: - item 1: practice - item 2: a building - item 3: a detail The study should relate to an area of architecture, interiors, design or fine art that informs your personal design practice and your future career. You will provide a full visual and textual description of the works you choose to analyse and provide detailed evidence of how they influence your practice. Your choice of practice, building and detail, should be something that is of interest to you personally and that relates to your work in the design studio. There can also be a relationship between the Dissertation research topic and the precedent report in terms of content and indeed it will help the cohesion of the document if this is present. The terms practice, building and detail are here as a guide and should be questioned as they all have the potential for adaptation in relation to current design discourse, scale and creative thinking. For example, it could be an architectural practice, a building they have designed and a detail within it that you find interesting. Alternatively, it could be an artist, one of their artworks and a detail from it. It could be a filmmaker, a film set and a scene. It must include an examination and analysis of the practice/person, the arrangement of the space/work and the materiality and construction of the work to ultimately conclude how this research influences your own work, intentions in your studies and future as a designer. The report should consider how the investigated precedent was constructed, who constructed it, how it was designed, whether the construction adhered to the original design idea, how long it took to realise, who was involved in the process, how the materials were used and arranged. You should also provide details about the date and phases of construction, and reflect on the way the object of building relates to your design studio work and personal agenda. 3 of 6 Chelsea College of Arts Interior and Spatial Design: History and Theory 2017/18 Schedule and Deadlines Phase 1 (Jun-Sep ‘17) Term 3 (Stage 2) Week 5 Briefing (18th May, Lecture Theatre) Week 8 Group Tutorials (12th or 13th June) Please bring one or two possible topics you are interested in researching as your Dissertation topic to this tutorial. You will be notified to which group you will be assigned. Please email the tutor the topic(s) in advance of your allocated session. Week 10 Proposal Submission (23rd June) Once you have chosen your Dissertation topic and made sure there are adequate sources available, it is a good idea to write a short outline of the proposed study. The purpose of this is to give yourself an idea of what you going to do and how you are going to do it. Your proposal should include why you are interested in the topic and why you consider the research is possible, a working title, a research question, identification of ‘objects of study’ as well as a bibliography of all sources you believe to be relevant to your research. Be careful not to make your proposal too broad. Think about specific design themes, buildings, designers, architects or issues you wish to investigate. You won’t get the proposal right first time so be prepared to rework it. Although there is a degree of flexibility for altering your researching topic over the summer, you will put yourself at an advantage if you can choose a topic, stick to it and develop it. The proposal is not an actual part of your Dissertation, but forms an outline for what it might be and how you plan to do it. It should be 500 words (excluding a bibliography) and include 1 or 2 images that help communicate your project. Please submit your 500 word proposal to Moodle > Unit 8 > Online Submission Phase 2 (Sep-Dec ’17) Term 1 (Stage 3) Weeks 1 & 2: Group Tutorials (rooms and times to be confirmed by email) For this tutorial, please come prepared to discuss the research and writing you have carried out over the summer. As a minimum you should bring a list of the sources you have used and a physical object that you see as key in the research (can be directly or indirectly connected - an image, artefact, book, as creative as you wish…). You will also be expected to identify a practice you wish to research for the Precedent Report. Weeks 3 & 4: 1:1 Tutorials (rooms and times to be confirmed by email) This is a second tutorial to discuss your progress. You will be asked to bring a detailed plan of your work, supported by images and a full bibliography. Week 5: Draft Submission Deadline: Friday, 3rd November, 12pm, 2017, uploaded to Turnitin via Moodle 3,500 word Dissertation (Draft) + 500 word Precedent Report (Outline). Late submissions may not be read. Weeks 9 & 10: Final 1:1 Tutorials (rooms and times to be confirmed by email) This session will discuss feedback and comments arising from your draft submission. 4 of 6 Chelsea College of Arts Interior and Spatial Design: History and Theory 2017/18 Phase 3 (Dec ’17 - Jan ’18) Term 2 (Stage 3) Week 2: Final Submission Deadline: Monday, 15th January, 2018, 12pm, uploaded to Turnitin, via Moodle The final submission is a single PDF submission which includes the 6,000 word Dissertation and the 1,500-2,000 word Precedent Report. Please note that all work submitted after the 12pm deadline will be capped. Any files which cannot be opened will be marked as a non-submission. Key Dates Draft Submission: Friday, 3rd November, 2017 12pm Final Submission: Monday, 15th January, 2018, 12pm Formatting and Design For the final submission you are required to combine both tasks into a single printed piece of work. This will be a single bound, double-sided A4 document. It can be either analogue or digitally generated but there must be an electronic copy produced for online submission of the content. The entire document should be graphically cohesive and be systematically page numbered throughout, with a table of contents at the start. You therefore have the freedom to develop a bespoke graphic language and formatting style for the submission. When developing your style, consider carefully the relationship between form (aesthetics, font, shape, colour) and content (what you are writing about). A short preface or endnote in the document can be used to justify or explain these graphic design decisions. The Dissertation should contain images to support your writing. These can either be your own sketches, photographs or other relevant researched visual materials. The Precedent Report should contain images, drawings, details as well as text, titles, captions, labels and references. Although the content can consider 3D, film-based and animated work the format of the Precedent Report must be in the bound, paperbased format outlined above. Throughout the document, you will need to consider the hierarchy of images and font as well as a balanced relationship between the two. The Dissertation has no specified page count but the Precedent Report should be 10 pages in length (20 sides). This specific quantity is to showcase one of the many ways of writing needed in practice life. Therefore the report should be seen as a primer for the professional world with the potential to research a practice, practitioner or process you may wish to apply to for work as well as demonstrating graphic discipline, curiosity and writing skills. Harvard Referencing and two separate bibliographies for both sections of the writing are required and should include image sources. 5 of 6 Chelsea College of Arts Interior and Spatial Design: History and Theory 2017/18 Learning Outcomes and Marking Criteria 1. Demonstrate critical understanding of historical and contemporary debates within interior and spatial design based on a coherent and detailed analysis of key aspects of practice and theory. (Marking Criteria: Analysis, Subject Knowledge) 2. Carry out sustained, systematic critical/practical research, using relevant resources and appropriate methods of analysis, enquiry and experimentation, and demonstrating the distinction between your ideas and those of others. (Marking Criteria: Research, Analysis, Experimentation) 3. Apply appropriate processes, skills and methods to realise your ideas and consolidate your critical position in a coherent body of work, acknowledging your sources through accurate referencing. (Marking Criteria: Technical Competence) 4. Use effective communication and presentation skills appropriate to theoretical and practical outcomes in order to articulate complex ideas and arguments convincingly and clearly. (Marking Criteria: Communication and Presentation) Further Reading There is no generic reading list offered for this unit, as the sources will change according to your research interests. You will have to therefore develop your own reading list, with the approval and support of your Dissertation tutor. The following resources offer sound advice for reflecting on what makes a successful Dissertation: For the Dissertation: • Borden, I. and Ruedi, K. (2000). Dissertation: An Architectural Students Handbook. Oxford: Architectural Press. • Spector, T. & Damron, R. (2013). How Architects Write. Abingdon: Routledge. • The Royal Literary Fund: [retrieved 01.10.14] For the Precedent Report: • Cook, Peter, (2008). Drawing: The Motive Force of Architecture (Architectural Design Primer), London: Wiley and Sons. • Watts, Michael, (2010). The Modern Construction Handbook, Springer. • Tufte, Edward, (1997). Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative, Graphics Press USA. Contact Kieran Mahon History & Theory Coordinator, Interior and Spatial Design Room A306 6 of 6

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