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The primary theme of the paper is Apple iPhone 5 Promotion Campaign in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $99 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
The main aim of advertising Apple’s iPhone 5 is to popularize the brand. iPhone 5 is fresh and new brand of Apple’s iPhone series. The phone is the latest product of Apple and has got additional features not held by previous iPhone series. The advert gives a range of features held by iPhone 5 which would probably give a new experience to the customers. This advertisement also aims at informing the potential customers on some of the additional features that are currently held by iPhone 5. This advert aims at increasing the sales for iPhone 5 as well as increasing awareness of the new Apple’s brand amongst iPhone users (Ashleigh, 2012).
The product’s advert is in line with Apple’s corporate image and status as well as its organizational culture. This has been revealed through use of relevant data and information that demonstrates Apple’s articulate design and quality standards. The first slide shows the adverts’ heading accompanied by a catchy image of iPhone 5. This slide communicates the theme of the advert which is to promote iPhone 5 in the market. The second slide provides a short and descriptive introduction about the advert main ideas. The subject matter of the advert is to inform people on the existence of Apple’s new iPhone 5. The advert utilizes the power of using testimonials. In slide three, an image of the founder of Apple’s iPhone series Steve Jobs is placed to serve as testimonial. Steve Jobs was an iconic figure for Apple and he is widely appreciated for his work. His love for quality cannot be undermined. The slogan of the company is blended with a spectacular image of iPhone 5 (slide 4). Apple’s slogan “Easy to Love” is simple, direct and appealing (iPhone 5, 2013).
Slide five of the presentation spells out the target audience for iPhone 5. The phone mainly targets people between the age of 20 and 40 years. Most people in this age bracket are conversant with the form of technology use in iPhone 5…
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