Answer: Assess and evaluate Communication in one o

Answer: Assess and evaluate Communication in one organisation. You must refer to models of communication and current academic literature.

The primary theme of the paper is Answer: Assess and evaluate Communication in one organisation. You must refer to models of communication and current academic literature. in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $149 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.

Teams in organisations        Chosen Topic: Lack of communication in NHS

Chosen question: Assess and evaluate Communication in one organisation. You must refer to models of communication and current academic literature.

THE TEAM PRESENTATION (Groupwork worth 10%)

Teams of four students will be formed in tutorial 1.  Each team is required to make a presentation to the class covering an aspect of teams from an organisational behaviour perspective.  Each team is required to apply theoretical concepts of teams taken from the course to either a case study/ current news story/work based experience. 

The team must select one question from the list below. (CHOSEN QUESTION IS ABOVE) Your tutor must, through discussion with you, approve the selection of theory and the proposed case study/ current news story/work based experience.

You must demonstrate that you can apply what you have learnt to ‘real life’. For example, you may follow a story about an aspect of teams in the newspapers, you may find an interesting case study in a text book or you may want to use your own current or past work experience. All of these approaches are valid as long as it interests you and relates back to a lecture/ tutorial/academic reading.

Teams are required to address their chosen case study by using material and resources beyond the textbook and assigned readings.  Teams are required to read widely and to review the relevant academic literature on the issues examined. Do not duplicate lecture slides and set texts.  


Each team member must ask their team for individual feedback on their strengths and areas for improvement when working in a team. This will help you when writing your individual reflection and should help your personal and professional development. 

THE INDIVIDUAL ESSAY – (2000 words worth 60%) 

Following your presentation, you will continue to work with your team on the case study but you will submit an individual essay.  The essay needs to:

  • Briefly describe the case. You could attach the case study/ current news story/work based experience as an appendix
  • include the presentation slides/materials as appendices
  • outline the issues you identified
  • use theory to analyse, critique and evaluate the case study/ current news story/work based experience 
  • include a minimum of 10 academic references

INDIVIDUAL REFLECTION (1000 words worth 30%) 

This section asks individual members to reflect on their own experience of working in the team.  I would recommend you write about your experience using the subheadings below and then once you have captured the experience think about how you might apply theory.  It must be an honest reflection of;


  • Reflect on your team’s feedback on your strengths and areas for improvement when working in a team (everything was all good, communication was good, we didn’t rehearse the presentation which was a downside and we didn’t meet up to prepare as well, but overall it was good.)
  • Your feelings about working as a team knowing that your success or failure may depend on other students 
  • Any changes in your motivation or attitude towards the team and team activity over time 
  • The things that challenged you the most and why you found certain aspects difficult 
  • Key learning points from this experience 
  • Include at a minimum of 4 academic references which help to explain your experience of team working

Instructions for Portfolio



  1. This portfolio is due by 23 March, 3pm
  2. Write in a basic essay format
  3. Write in proper academic style and particularly ensure you use ‘third person’ narrative for the Essay, you may use first person for the Individual Reflection. Harvard-style in-text citation and referencing must be used in both.
  4. Utilise at least 10 academic-style resources in the Essay, you need a minimum of 4 in the Individual Reflection. (e.g. textbooks, books and journals) to support your points and try to ensure that you use no or only a small number of internet sources.
  5. Do not copy any materials you use word for word unless you identify these sections clearly as quotations and provide accurate in text referencing and acknowledgement in the reference list.
  6. If you paraphrase (i.e. rewrite any materials in your own words) you must identify the materials’ sources through in-text referencing and acknowledgement in the reference list.
  7. Remember although you work on the case study as a team the essay and the Individual Reflection must be your work only. Do not work closely with anyone else on the Individual Reflection.
  8. Write 2000 words for the Essay and 1000 words for the Individual Reflection (excluding the cover page, reference list and any footnotes or appendices).


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