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Home Solutions analyse how organisations respond to the challenges identified in Term 1, using the ideas & concepts introduced in the lectures, tutorials & readings throughout Term 2
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The primary theme of the paper is analyse how organisations respond to the challenges identified in Term 1, using the ideas & concepts introduced in the lectures, tutorials & readings throughout Term 2 in which you are required to emphasize its aspects in detail. The cost of the paper starts from $119 and it has been purchased and rated 4.9 points on the scale of 5 points by the students. To gain deeper insights into the paper and achieve fresh information, kindly contact our support.
The responsible enterprise in action.” The purpose of this report is to analyse how organisations respond to the challenges identified in Term 1, using the ideas & concepts introduced in the lectures, tutorials & readings throughout Term 2. In doing so, you will draw on one organisation or more throughout your assignment to illustrate & support the theoretical points made. Your examples may include multinational companies, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), social enterprises, nonprofit organisations or public sector organisations (e.g. universities or hospitals). Assignment Details and Instructions.1. Introduction & background: Briefly outline the purpose & structure of the report. Then, discuss how the kinds of challenges identified in Assignment 1 represent a competitive opportunity for organisations. (500 words – 20%)Relevant lectures: Responsible enterprise as a competitive opportunity2. Drawing on appropriate theory, discuss how organisations develop an overarching strategy to address those challenges. Then, more specifically, analyse & evaluate how organisations can become more responsible through ONE of the following: Developing a more responsible supply chain OR making more sustainable products OR addressing human rights & other ethical challenges. (650 words – 25%)You should include extensive reference to appropriate academic theories here & illustrate them with reference to one or more organisational examples. Within the analysis, you should reflect on the particular characteristics of your chosen sector(s) & how this might impact the strategy/approaches identified.Relevant lectures: Strategy as a tool for more responsible enterprise; Responsible enterprise across the supply chain; Making more sustainable products & managing waste; Addressing human rights & other ethical challenges3. How might adopting a more responsible approach impact upon the relationship between organisations & their consumers? And, more specifically, what are the implications for the way organisations market their goods & services to those consumers? (650 words – 25%)You should include extensive reference to appropriate academic theories here & illustrate them with reference to one or more organisational examples. Within the analysis, you should reflect on the particular characteristics of your chosen sector(s) & how this might impact the strategy/approaches identified.Relevant lectures: Consumers & sustainability; Responsible marketing4. Conclusion. (300 words - 10%)Synthesise your findings & evaluations in order to conclude on how responsible enterprise represents a competitive opportunity, how organisations effectively implement their responsible enterprise strategies through your chosen topic, & the impact this has on the way they engage with & market to their consumers.Relevant lecture: Assignment 2 guidance5. Recommendations. (400 words – 15%)Drawing on appropriate theory, what 2 or 3 actions should organisations take to become more sustainable in future? Briefly explain your reasoning. Make sure that your recommendations are relevant to the organisation(s) you have referenced elsewhere in your report. Relevant lectures: Alternative business models (you will also need to refer back to other relevant lecture slides depending on what recommendations you make)
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