COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPYIN THE TREATMENT OF ANXIETY DISORDERName:Grade Course:Tutor`s Name:(23, November, 2010)An Analysis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as it Pertains to the treatment of Anxiety DisorderThis paper will briefly looks at a popular form of treatment for Anxiety Disorder. The form of treatment used is referred to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Wright, (2006) discussed the general background information about Social Anxiety disorder and its treatment by use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Then, CBT will be investigated from two specific perspectives. Guardino, (2001) work concerning cognitive behavioral group therapy for patients with coexisting social anxiety and disorder and substance use will be reviewed. Then Shaw, (1979) assessment on diagnosis and treatment of individuals with social disorder will be discussed. American Psychological Association established a task force vested with the responsibility of reviewing experimental literature and demonstrate the effectiveness of CBT for adults and children. The task force was to establish the efficiency of CBT in treatment of depression, anxiety disorder and panic disorder. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been identified as one of the respected models of psychotherapy (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).Various cognitive methods can be used to administer CBT. The most important and often preferred cognitive technique is the use of questions that are used to encourage the patient to overcome rigid dysfunctional patterns of thinking and to be able to recognize things in a new perspective (Wright, 2006).It has been proved that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy which is being experienced in adults is similar to what is experienced by the children`s but with developmental modifications. However those children who are experiencing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy tend to make systematic errors which are similar to adults and they experience skills deficits which maintain the problem (Dia, 2001). In their book, Shaw et al described cognitive model to be a model that hypothesize on modifications of personal way of thinking, resulting to changes in his mood and behavior.This paper examines research articles that have been carried out on us...